
SpellCrafting: Spells & Rituals

Dragonfly Medicine Magick



Merry meet.

You can use the dragonfly you made as a craft as part of a ritual or spell by calling on dragonfly medicine.

According to BirdClan.org, “It is a power animal which can help to put us in touch with nature spirits.

Dragonfly medicine is about the breaking of illusions, especially those illusions that prevent growth and maturity. Dragonfly is the bringer of visions of power.”

Dragonfly medicine can both foretell a time of change and help during the transition. So, if you’re uncomfortable, overwhelmed and struggling, seek assistance from dragonfly. They can help us see beyond the limits we place on our reality and remind us we can have a world where magic exists.

In her blog on shamansmarket.com, Aleeiah Sura states, “Sometimes seeing a Dragonfly may foretell a time of great change and transition. The first thing that usually happens when a big change is due, is that we put up lot of emotional energy into resisting what’s coming, even though on a mental level we may understand that change is very much needed. Dragonfly is an especially helpful guide and ally for those who are resisting change that is overdue, and can teach us to go through change without kicking and screaming.”

Part of the reason, I believe, is because dragonflies span two realms. They begun as aquatic larva known as nymphs. and can spend up to five years in fresh water. Water speaks of emotions, the subconscious mind and dreams. The larva then undergo an almost magical series of changes; they move through stages, grow their wings and take flight as an adult. Adults may live from several days to a few weeks. They can fly up, down, left, right, backwards and forwards, making them very adaptable. If they lose one of their two sets of wings, the can still fly. They are often found by water and are capable of crossing oceans. As a creature of the air, they are linked to thoughts and communication.

Because of their short lifespan, dragonflies also help us to value time and not waste it on what does not serve our highest good and greatest joy.



If you choose to call upon the spirit of Dragonfly to assist your journey, be ready for a shift in perspective. Dragonfly often shows us that things are not as they seem. Look behind the veil of mind created illusion, and be willing to shed some old beliefs. Call upon the Dragonfly for help with transition and when you need the power of adaptation, strength, and resilience to go through big life changes,” Sura writes.

A song she wrote in 2017 entitled “Dragonfly Medicine” may be useful in your work. She explains the song “holds vibrational medicine for those who may be resisting change. … It also contains the energy for healing ancestral wounds.”

While composing this song, Sura said she became a student of Dragonfly medicine.

The Dragonfly had quite a few things to teach me about letting go, transitions, and not resisting life’s flow.”

The lyrics follow & the track can be bought for $1 at the following link:



Dragonfly Medicine
by Aleeiah Sura


Dragonfly, Dragonfly call my name.

It’s been far too long since I changed my way.


I need your spirit now to guide this change.

Shine some light now into this pain,

Shine your light now into this pain.


And let these winds blow through your heart.

And let these winds blow through your heart.


Let these winds blow through my heart,

I let these winds blow through my heart,


Shine some light now into this pain,

And let it heal these wounds of ancient days.

Let it heal these wounds of ancient days.”



Merry part. And merry meet again.



About the Author:

Lynn Woike was 50 – divorced and living on her own for the first time – before she consciously began practicing as a self taught solitary witch. She draws on an eclectic mix of old ways she has studied – from her Sicilian and Germanic heritage to Zen and astrology, the fae, Buddhism, Celtic, the Kabbalah, Norse and Native American – pulling from each as she is guided. She practices yoga, reads Tarot and uses Reiki. From the time she was little, she has loved stories, making her job as the editor of two monthly newspapers seem less than the work it is because of the stories she gets to tell. She lives with her large white cat, Pyewacket, in central Connecticut. You can follow her boards on Pinterest, and write to her at woikelynn at gmail dot com.