
Hally’s Hints

Earth, Elements & Consideration


To work with earth’s elements it is not so much about getting outside of oneself as much as it is to become part of oneself. The more connected, the more open to the energetic alignment within the more connected that this is to each element. This is not only about connection but also what this provides when the connection has been established. It is being open to the energy that flows within the veins and seeing this as a pathway to something more beautiful that equally reflects and enables in each individual.


It is no secret that the elements known in the day to day have been around and of relevance since the inception of earth and the universe. These elements are part of the very existence and the correlation between planes; from the human plane to the ethereal, from the animal to the plant. When the morning arrives these elements are within the day. Do


These elements in specific are earth, fire, air, water and of course, spirit. The five core elements that contain additional elements within. Each playing a crucial role in the universe and even moreso, specific to each individual. These elements are not only external but also internal. They have influence neurologically, biologically as well as energetically. Consider the affect of a rainy day versus a sunny day. Consider the sensation of a breeze versus the warmth of sun rays. Each creating a reaction on all the planes within each person, within each plant, each animal and each living being that encompasses some form of a life force.


These elements are not life force, they are part of; or another way to understand this is that they play a crucial role in enabling and connecting all life force. With this said, these can also be influenced by life force. Life force in essence is energy and each element can conduct energy. It is energy that connects all irrelevant of space and time.


The Earth is a living thing made up of so many elements with humans being but a small portion privileged to reside within its being. Respect, integrity, honesty and love within oneself enables this to flow energetically to the Earth. Honoring the universe that surrounds the Earth re-enforces the connection providing a path of understanding, learning and growth.


Some conduct moon rituals and ceremonies creating manifestations between moon cycles whereas others give thanks during this time as a cycle of karmic appreciation. The moon is but one aspect and provides a good example that whilst there are times where each person feels alone this is the very last thing that anyone actually is.


To work with the Earth’s elements, one must work within themselves and it is here the door to elemental magic becomes a normal day and the conversations had can but create a smile of appreciation and gratitude.