
SpellCrafting: Spells & Rituals

Showing Our True Colors


Merry meet.

Maya Angelou said, “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” This ritual illustrates that.

A pagan discussion group that meets at True Colors, a non-profit organization in Connecticut that supports sexual and gender minority youth, planned a ritual that drew nearly 20 individuals. Looking at the circle that formed, you would probably notice the diversity in ages, genders, skin tones and styles. The broom we decorated became a symbol of how much we had in common.

We got a large selection of yarns in various colors and cut 20 pieces each to a length longer than the broom we intended to cover. We placed the piles around the outside of the cloths spread on the ground that served as our altar in the center of our circle.

One by one, each person stood up, named a label that they identified with and picked up a pile of yarn. Walking around the circle, anyone who identified with that label took one of the pieces. We went around the circle twice, and then allowed anyone who had a trait not yet named to do so. Each time, participants took a piece of yarn from the people with whom they identified.

We had to cut some more yarn, and some colors were used for more than one identity.

Some of the identities mentioned included are student, partner, parent, bisexual, healer, artistic, intuitive, adopted, shy, pet owner, and ally.

After that, everyone tied a knot near one end, and then tied another one a few inches from it. Holding them out for everyone to see, it was amazing how colorful we were, and how many others had each of our colors.

Then we cut the yarn between the two knots. The small end was kept by each participant, and each long portion was gathered up and tied to the broom.

The next year, the ritual was modified for another group and beads were used in place of yarn, with each individual leaving with a cord strung with a variety of colored beads and charms. There are other ways the same intent can be adapted to your situation.

Merry part, and merry meet again.