_____________________________________________________________________ Cover art: Harvest Magic Autumn Story Goddesses Handmade Statues crafted by Molly & Mark of BrigidsGrove on etsy. About the artists: Brigid’s Grove is a creative partnership between Molly & Mark Remer who co-create original Story Goddesses, Goddess Sculptures, Mini Goddess Pendants, Goddess Grids, and Ceremony Kits at brigidsgrove.etsy.com. They also publish Womanrunes Books & Decks, based on the work of Shekhinah Mountainwater. Brigid’s Grove uses visual, artistic expression as a means of story-telling and experience-sharing to help you honor your story & to celebrate lifecycle transitions and pivotal life moments. Molly & Mark create art and ceremony in order to “tell about it.” You can connect with Brigid’s…
Bringing Up the Next Generation of Witches
October is quickly coming to an end, and I have never been more thankful. October brought sickness and trials. It was a difficult month to say the least. But with October coming to a close, Samhain is fast approaching. Samhain (or Halloween as Little Bear calls it) has always been one of my favorite holidays. Even when it was banned from my childhood home life. The veil is thinning, the days grow darker, and the nights become almost black. Living in the Midwest means the weather is unpredictable at the end of October. It could be sunny and hot, or rainy and wet. As a child, “Halloween” meant snow. I…
Book Review – Naked Tarot: Sassy, Stripped-Down Advice by Janet Boyer
Book Review Naked Tarot: Sassy, Stripped-Down advice by Janet Boyer I am so excited to share Naked Tarot: Sassy, Stripped-Down advice by Janet Boyer with you all. Naked Tarot is published by Dodona Books, Winchester, UK and Washington, USA, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing LTD., NO 3 East Street, Alresford, Hampshire S024 9EE, UK. It is available in paperback and digitally, and since I am reviewing a digital version, I can’t describe the physical book. But no worries, Naked Tarot has 451 pages chock-full of valuable insights into the Tarot cards, all presented in an easy-on-the-eye typeface in a style that is irreverent and fun! I read…
Dreaming: An Essential Skill
In “Dreaming of Cupcakes: A Food Addict’s Shamanic Journey into Healing,” I wrote a lot about my personal connection with my Dreamer. What follows is a sample from the book that is relevant to this article’s theme: It was by practicing and studying shamanism that I learned to hear and identify the true voice of my own spirit, also called “Dreamer” or “Higher Self.” Through journeys, I met this luminous being and got to know her more intimately throughout the years. At first, I found it hard to believe that there was a part of me that could never be broken, hurt, screwed up, or depressed. I had the…
Eleven Elders
This blog is based on a dream I had in Sweden, on the night of Sunday October 28th in 2018. The Big Bear Mother in the night sky (asterism Ursa Major) observed the spiritual darkness cloaking` Earth and decided to send down her seven lights as falling (or shooting) stars. I decided to type up this dream as a blog honouring the lives of the people who died in the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Eleven Elders The Big Bear Mother in the Night Sky Watches Children starve in Yemen Suffering inhumane violations in Syria Child prostitutes in Sri Lanka She sees Eleven Elders…
Finding Your Own Way
Chapter 7 Meditating With A Spirit Drum One of the easiest and most effective ways to meditate is by using a ‘spirit’ drum. Having been a part of many workshops and drumming circles, I can personally attest to the simplicity and effectiveness of using ‘spirit’ drums for healing and journeying. If you have a few interested friends and somewhere to go to practice, – you will find that it is an amazing and uplifting experience. Should you wish to form a circle, you will find that spirit drums vary greatly in price. A lot of people use ‘bodhrans’ instead, as they are cheaper and can be bought from most music…
Interview with Author Rose Orriculum
Interview with Author & Spell Writer Rose Orriculum Rose Orriculum is the author of Pastel Spells & Of Witchcraft and Whimsy. She also hosts a blog on Tumblr with links to pages of great help and information from herself. She also has a YouTube Channel and her own Etsy. Her books, and the spells used in them, are from Rose’s personal collection. After reviewing her 2 books in this issue, I had the chance to interview her. Deanna (D) – You currently have two books published, Pastel Spells and Of Witchcraft and Whimsy. Do you have any other projects in the works? Rose Orriculum (R)- There’s one witchy…
Interview with Wendy Steele: Perception of Reality
Wendy Steele: Perception of Reality Wendy Steele, or Wendy Woo, is the author of the ongoing Lilith Trilogy, the Standing Stone books and the Lizzie Martin Witch Lit series. Witch Lit has become a widely used term for magical writing, and there’s even a group on Facebook where aspiring Witch Lit authors share ideas and inspiration. Wendy also sells gorgeous Pixie Coats, perfect for any Pagan camp! Wendy was kind enough to take a break from her busy schedule to have a chat with us about her books and more. Mabh Savage (MS): When did you first start writing and what drew you to it? Wendy Woo (WW): I wrote…
Mindful Meditation
Samhain Mindful Meditation Samhain, or the third harvest, historically was a time for farmers to harvest their last crops and head into the dark times when the nights were longer than the daylight. Also known as “Witches New Year,” we can use this time to reflect on our accomplishments and regrets as we begin to look ahead to the coming new year. What are we letting go of and what are we calling in to our lives? Items you will need: -a quite room to be completely alone in -a comfortable seat -writing utensil & paper -cauldron or fire pit -special box for safe keeping Intentionally create sacred space and…
Calendar Review A Year of Crystal Healing 2019 Learn About the Chakras and Healing Powers of 13 Powerful Crystals
Calendar Review A Year of Crystal Healing 2019 Learn About the Chakras and Healing Powers of 13 Powerful Crystals 16 Month Calendar This 16 month calendar (Sept 18-Dec 19) is designed by Phil Buchanan, photographed by Exquisite Crystals and published by Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. It retails for $14.99 in USA. It is a standard wall calendar size. It features 13 beautiful crystals in full page photographs and explains under each crystal both that crystal’s healing powers and it’s chakra powers. The crystals featured are a nice mix, and include: clear quartz, fluorite, ajoite, amethyst, aura quartz, amazonite, moonstone, blue sapphire, brandberg quartz (amethyst), aquamarine, smoky quartz, turquoise,…