
Book Review – The Hidden History of Elves and Dwarfs: Avatars of Invisible Realms by Claude Le Couteux

Book Review

The Hidden History of Elves and Dwarfs

Avatars of Invisible Realms

by Claude Le Couteux

240 Pages



I am fascinated by the subject matters that I find when I read a book on a new subject. “The Hidden History of Elves and Dwarfs” by Claude Le Couteux is a new subject to me. I could see that Le Couteux’s book was unraveling the web that had long been placed by the clerics of yesteryear.

The web (Loki’s name in Swedish is locke/lock. Loksnät {spiders web}) around the elves and dwarves was put in place to replace the belief in beings that once had a seat next to the Gods of the old ways. We know from comic books today that elves lived in Alfheim, and they were once linked to the Aesir and Vanir.

Elves were once connected to Water, sun, daylight, and kindness. Now, they are seen as mean spirited and harmful to humans. ( I just read on a friend’s Facebook newsfeed where she didn’t want an elf in her home.) Elves were since as more luminous than the sun.

Dwarves are seen as being connected to the moon, stone, night, and wickedness. The dwarves were the ones who made the weapons of the Gods and Jewelry for the Goddesses. Because of their home is in the mountain, beneath it, they were connected to death. It was in the 13th century, about the same time in Germany, when the words Elf and Dwarf become synonymous with each other, that Dwarfs become the garden gnomes we have in our yards and gardens now.

Mr. Le Couteux has studied and worked through the tangle of languages to bring us the true story of the two different races. The author brings up two names that most people in the Pagan world are familiar with. Loki, who’s name I have already touched on. And Oberon, the small Prince of Faery. In most minds today, Oberon is a Dwarf based on his height and description. But the name, Oberon, or the German name Auberon, or even Alberîch, means “Powerful in Elves or Powerful Elf). As Mr. Le Couteux, what dwarf would be given a name that connects him to elves?

Even in Europe today, there are names of towns and cities, especial in areas that were historically connected to the Norse religion that are given names of that elven names.

I found this book interesting with all the history from various cultures that Mr. Le Couteux was able to use to unravel a web that has been too long in place. I, myself, have always felt that elves were akin to Faery kind. So, I have ever had a place for them in my life and home. I have seen dwarves as energy to work with when doing some creative process, unusual when working with crystals and anything metal. And now, I know I was on the right track in the energy signatures that I was working on within my work.




About the Author:

Dawn Borries is a prolific reader, having 3 books going at any given time. Dawn uses Tarot cards, Intuitive insights, and Numerology in her sessions with clients. She is also an Ordained Minister, Reiki and La Ho Chi Practitioner and Master. She is a certified EFT and TFT Counselor. Dawn calls herself a Spiritual Counselor, and Unicorn Lover. She can be found @eagleandunicorn on Facebook or @eagle_unicorn on Twitter.