Worth the Witch
Spiral Rain Zodiac Box
This is the first of two boxes we are reviewing this month from Spiral Rain.
Living two hours from Montreal and almost that far from Quebec City, Rani Guillemette began purchasing monthly subscription boxes to acquire tools to practice her Craft, only to realize she could make them and, in the process, grow as a person.
“I love doing research, I love helping others and I love witchcraft,” she said.
Spiral Rain was born November 1, 2018; two months later it was officially online. Since then she has put together two sets of themed boxes, each with 12 categories. This review is of the Zodiac Box for Pisces.
I am a Pisces and I loved its contents.
An envelope contained two pages of information – earning points for being printed on both sides – about the sign’s associations and the items in the box.
A 10 ml bottle holds a special Pisces mix of jasmine, sandalwood and ylang ylang essential oils in a fractionated coconut oil. It also contains aquamarine stones. The diffuser oil is meant to help “connect with the Pisces energy for heightened awareness of personal truth.” It is meant to be applied in a diffuser, oil burner, scent ball and bath water. These blends can also be added to bracelets containing volcanic stones, which works well with the another item in the box.
The Pisces bracelet is made from six fluorite beads, a copper bead and beads made from lava stone. It comes together with a disk imprinted with the zodiac symbol. Together the beads offer grounding, peace, focus, healing, courage and more.
A fragrance was blended just for Pisces so it would ground, support intuition and understanding, and comfort their inner world. Essential oils of jasmine, sandalwood, bergamot and ylang ylang were chosen to connect “with the intuitive and often spiritual, empathic, gentle and kind Pisces energy.” Blended in jojoba oil, pieces of fluorite were added to increase powers of concentration, self-confidence, and making good decisions. The bottle is 10ml, not a sample size.
A container of bath salts is perfect for a Pisces dream-it-into-being spell while soaking in the tub. The generous 12 ounces is good for at least four baths. These salts will be saved for the first time I am able to luxuriate in a bathtub. It is a blend of Dead Sea salts with sodium bicarbonate; essential oils of jasmine, sandalwood and ylang ylang; with added jasmine flowers. It’s the extra things that make this box extra special. For instance, the salt blend was “prepared using a spell to enhance Pisces’ strengths while diminishing the less favorable ones,” according to the material.
I am fussy about scented candles and I love the one included in this box. Made with equal amounts of lilac and water lily oils, It smells clean and rich. There are no fragrances, dyes or toxic chemical stabilizers in the soy wax. The four-ounce candle was charged with three affirmations for Pisces, including “I flow effortlessly with the positive currents of life.” There is a polished amethyst stone and some jasmine flowers on top. The flowers won’t burn until the candle is just about out, so be ready to snuff it out using the lid. Burning it during the time of Pisces is meant to assist in releasing your natural self, releasing your weaknesses, claiming your strength and seeing your beauty.
Rani presents information about candle magick, cleansing jewelry and setting your intention for it.
Four items combine to allow buyers of the box to burn incense made for Pisces – perfect for working with Neptune, Jupiter, the element of water and calming spells. The herbs for the ounce of loose incense were chosen to correspond with the astrological sign: frankincense, eucalyptus, lemon peel and pure essential oil of sandalwood. A fluorite piece is in the mix to charge the incense with its protective, grounding and harmonizing energies.
The box contained a packet of purple sand, a packet with a charcoal and a silver-colored bowl to put them in. Once the charcoal is lit, the bowl will become hot, so be sure to place it on a heat-proof surface and not to touch it – just as the material warns. Mine got hot enough to burn the purple sand under the charcoal, leaving it brown.
Rani has three children ages 6-12, a full-time job, and a passion for everything spiritual and magickal.
“I was introduced to the Craft when I was 13 by one of my dad’s books: “Magical Herbalism.” I then continued to devour everything about witchcraft and the different types of spiritual practices,” she said. She’s still at it – having just signed up for a crystal healer class.
“My 18-year-old self dreamed of opening a spiritual coffee house/store/apothecary, basically a place where everyone with an open mind and an open heart can share and exchange their views of life. But that dream got lost when life actually took over and I started working in a completely different field. Sixteen years later, the universe sent me a whole new challenge that changed my entire life. My husband was taken away under false charges and we spent over a year fighting to get him back. During this time, I packed our stuff and moved closer to my family. Being back where my journey once started I felt compelled to do things my way, the witch’s way.”
Three years later, she has had help from amazing people, learned some expensive lessons and continues to improve her social media presence – all while working a full-time job.
“The whole family participates, my husband makes bracelets and helps with the candles, the kids love to help in the apothecary, with the gemstones and at fairs. I create all the recipes, the mixes and basically everything that makes Spiral Rain,” Rani said.
In addition to this box, which sells for $64.95, is a witch box for $59.99 that will be reviewed next. Prepaid three- and six-month options are available at a slightly reduced rate.
Coming out soon will be two additional lines: a fairy box that will contain a gemstone bracelet, bath sands, a perfume and fun facts about the chosen fairy; and goddess box that will contain a three-inch statue, a candle and a ritual to connect to the deity.
“Things are moving, ideas are spinning. I am hopeful that one day Spiral Rain will grow into everything I dream it to be and I get to spread a little magic all over the world.”
I had to ask, “Where did the name Spiral Rain come from?”
She answered, “Rain was my nickname in high school, I relate to it in so many ways. When we were young, my brother and I used to take a moment during rainstorms to sit outside and watch the rain and the occasional thunder and lightening.
“I find peace in water; it restores my energy and helps me connect to myself. I think because it’s my opposite – I’m an Aries – it helps me grow into a better being. It doesn’t extinguish my fire; it helps me be aware of my weaknesses and how to work with them.
“I love spirals and what they symbolize: growth, life, connectivity, awareness, balance and so much more. I also love most things with the symbol or word spiral. Let’s not forget one of my favorite books is Starhawk’s “The Spiral Dance.” I find a spiral is a representation of our life
journey, we start in the middle and expand outwards finding balance and
our life purpose. Because of my connection to both the rain and spirals it
only felt natural to choose Spiral Rain.”
Was it Worth the Witch? Yes.
As advertised, products are custom made in small batches with “a touch of magic and lots of love,” and packaging is 100% recyclable or reusable. The items all work well together. I especially liked the ability to add essential oils to the bracelet, and the idea of burning the candle while soaking in the tub with the bath salts. The box indeed offers “a little sparkle to align with the Universe … The beginning of a beautiful journey in self-discovery and magic.”
Pagan Pages readers can get a 15% discount on their first box by using the code WITCH15.
For more information, visit https://spiral-rain.cratejoy.com/ or spiralrain.ca.
As an extra surprise Rani Guillemette sent a second box for us to review.
This is the second of two boxes we are reviewing this month from Spiral Rain.
This review is for the Witch Box for February. As with the Zodiac Box, I loved its contents!
An envelope contained three pages about the month and Pisces, with associations including flowers, colors and gemstones; it also explained the items in the box.
Beneath that are unseen goodies packed in crinkle cut paper I removed to find the goodies within.
What to reach for first?
The miniature book! “The Witches’ Love Spell Book for Passion, Romance, and Desire.” Within its pages are a collection of sixty love spells including claiming your splendor, an amorous amulet, enchanting your bed and preparing for a new relationship with a love altar. There’s nothing small about the practical magic you can incorporate into your life.
I am fussy about scented candles and again I loved the one included in this box. It’s an affirmation candle, made to be a tool for transformation. The rose oil and Indian spices promote love, sensuality and tranquility. The scent is bold without having fragrances, dyes or toxic chemical stabilizers in the soy wax. There is a polished rose quartz stone and some rose flowers on top. The flowers won’t burn until the candle is just about out, so be ready to snuff it out using the lid. Rani presents suggestions for candle magick and offers affirmations to use with it. The four-ounce container can be reused.
A pouch contains six polished crystals with which to make a love intention grid. The stones are rose quartz, prasiolite, yellow jasper, rhodonite, adventuring and clear quartz. Each crystal is explained in the materials provided, along with suggestions for setting up a grid to direct energy toward a desired goal.
A green candle is included in the February box, to be used in a Mother Earth Candle Ritual at Imbolc.
A Magic Box ritual by Elizabeth Barrette calls for a pretty box, and a wooden one is among this month’s collection. Directions for attracting more magic in your life are given, while a pouch contains herbs the spell calls for and a tiny jar contains the gemstones. I very much appreciated having everything I needed at hand, and not having to dig through my own jars, bags and boxes, all the while knowing at least two of the items I did not have. There even looked like there might be enough to make a second small box. When the spell is completed, the box is meant to be kept on your altar, holding some extra magic to charge rituals and other workings.
Essential oils of sweet orange, cardamom, rose and ylang ylang, along with orange zest was specially blended to help attract all kinds of love, including self-love, romantic love, and a love of life. It can be applied before a ritual, used to anoint candles, added to a bath or diffused. More details are also provided, as is a meditation that calls for only salt and a piece of black paper.
Was it Worth the Witch? Yes.
As advertised, products are custom made in small batches with “a touch of magic and lots of love,” and packaging is 100% recyclable or reusable. I especially liked that items all work well together, and that all the ingredients for the magic box were provided. The box indeed offers “a little sparkle to align with the Universe … The beginning of a beautiful journey in self-discovery and magic.”
Pagan Pages readers can get 15% off their first box by using the code WITCH15.
For more information, visit https://spiral-rain.cratejoy.com/ or spiralrain.ca.
You can Follow Spiral Rain on the Following Social Media Links:
About the Author:
Lynn Woike
All my life I have known magic was real. As a child, I played with the fae, established relationships with trees and “just knew things.” In my maiden years I discovered witchcraft and dabbled in the black-candles-and-cemeteries-at-midnight-on-a-fullmoon magick just enough to realize I did not understand its power. I went on to explore many practices including Zen, astrology, color therapy, native traditions, tarot, herbs, candle magic, gems, and, as I moved into my mother years, Buddhism, the Kabbalah and Reiki. The first man I dated after my divorce was a witch who reintroduced me to the Craft, this time by way of the Goddess. For 11 years I was in a coven, but with retirement, I have returned to an eclectic solitary practice. When accepting the mantle of crone, I pledged to serve and teach. This is what I do from my skoolie – a 30-year-old school bus converted into a tiny house on wheels that I am driving around the country, following 72-degree weather, emerging myself into nature, and sharing magic with those I meet. Find me at thewitchonwheels.com, Facebook and Instagram.