
Book Review – Witchcraft: A Secret History by Michael Streeter

Book Review


A Secret History

by Michael Streeter

256 pages


From Ancient Times until Today, magic has always been an important aspect of human life. Witchcraft: A Secret History explores the relationship between humans and magic, witchcraft and religion throughout the Ages.

In Part 1 The Ancient World, Michael Streeter teaches the reader about the origins of witchcraft through stories of Hebrew witches and magicians to the Gods and Goddesses that were revered in ancient civilizations. Discussion is given to how these once revered Pagan entities fell out of favor and were replaced with the new religion of Christianity.

Part 2 The Medieval World, explores the growth of Christianity, the birth of Protestantism and their combined impact on the persecution of those believed to be witches. The Burning Times and Colonial America Witch Trials remind us of the tragic and tremendous number of lives lost. History regarding the men who led the persecutions in Europe and America are given.

Part 3, The Modern World completes the book with the birth, development and growth of Wicca. Key figures; Gerald Gardner, Aleister Crowley and Raymond Buckland are profiled in this section.

Overall, this is an excellent book summarizing the history of witchcraft from the beginning of time to the modern world. Information in the book is well organized, researched and presented. While it is not an extensive history, it is a book that gives the reader a historical overview and synopsis. The flow and conciseness of each section allows the reader to learn the basics of a historical era and then seek out more information based on their own personal interests.

Pertinent illustrations help to bring this book to life as the reader travels through history. Additional information provided within the book rounds out a positive literary experience. This book is highly recommend to any Wiccan beginner or person who is interested in history.

Witchcraft: A Secret History on Amazon



About the Author:

Tammy Andrews is a beginner in the area of all matters related to Wicca and witchcraft. She is interested in many areas of natural spiritual practice including the use of incense and oils, pendulum divination, oracle cards, and crystals. She is Reiki I certified with plans to obtain further Reiki levels. With her love of learning and reading, she is excited to join PaganPagesOrg as a book reviewer. Tammy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker employed in a community agency that provides counseling and case management services to clients who live with serious mental illnesses and addiction issues. The power of human survival and resilience never ceases to amaze her. She views social work as her passion and life calling. Tammy resides in CT with her husband, who is her greatest supporter, her cat and her dogs. She has enjoyed the opportunity to assist in the nurturing of her step-son to become a prospering young adult.

Tammy and her husband spend many Summer weekends at their cabin in VT where she loves the opportunity to renew her spirit in the peace and solitude of the trees. You can contact Tammy via email at [email protected]