Interview – Cat Gina Cole, Author of “Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft”
Relearning Her Psychic Abilities Leads to a Book Teaching Others To Do the Same
From a very young age, Cat Gina Cole knew she was different. She saw and heard things others did not. She would converse with the fae and experience remote viewing. She was fortunate to have family that understood those things and helped teach her about them.
“Psychism has always been something that I’ve had. It’s just a part of me,” she said in a recent interview from her home in Oregon. “It made it difficult to fit in as a kid. When you have claircognizance and you know something is going to happen and you’re in fourth grade and you tell someone, ‘No! Don’t do that. It’s not going to work out,’ I’d get called Miss Bossy and be challenged with ‘What do you know?'”
A hereditary witch, she was schooled by her mother and grandmother. Her father, a devote Catholic, spoke to ghosts and had prophetic dreams. In Sunday school, her mother would whisper, “That’s an incantation. That’s dreamwork. That’s a spell.” She also instructed Cat that “‘just because you know the truth doesn’t mean you have to say the truth.’ She said, ‘Don’t talk about this in church or at school. The other kids in the family aren’t going to understand it either.’ These are very interesting lessons for a kid to learn.”
In 2018, at the age of 59, she was rear ended by another car. “I received a traumatic brain injury. I lost all my psychism. My lucid dreaming, my claircognizance, everything was gone overnight. It really felt like I was lobotomized. I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts. There was no internal dialogue,” she said.
Panic set in because she had lost a huge part of her identity. She came to know what it was like to be mundane, and lived that way for a while, trying to be comfortable with it. But it wasn’t okay.
“It was making my mental health unstable, not having that part of myself I identified with. I knew I had to get my brain to heal. They say, ‘Anytime you’re lost, go back to the basics.'” A prolific journaler, she began rereading her many notebooks, turning her study notes into a curriculum for relearning abilities she had once done without effort.
“Then a close friend helped me get going on tarot trances and that started the opening the mind’s muscle memory and all the skills that I had previously had. I was teaching witchcraft and paganism at the time and running the coven of the Rising Phoenix. As I went through my journals they developed into a curriculum that I began to teach. The more I used what I was teaching the more my psychic skills came back.
“Over a period of time, they have all came back – the clairvoyance, the claircognizance. The intuition is full on, the precognizance is pretty well there. I’m still able to sense and work with deities. I thought I had lost that forever. The lucid dreaming isn’t quite the level that it was. Astral travel isn’t quite the level that it was,” but some of it is slowly returning Cat said.
Her relearning journey prompted her first book, “Psychic Skills for Magic and Witchcraft: Developing Your Spirit, Intuition, & Clairvoyance.”
“I wrote it for people who don’t have someone else to talk to. For people who have never had someone to discuss psychic skills with,” she said. “Rather than it being a recounting of my experiences … with Llewellyn’s assistance, it became a how-to, which was even more helpful.”
It took about two years to complete. Everything she wrote she personally experienced. Every exercise in the book she’s done.
“This is stuff I have lived. If it helped me, I know there is going to be a group of people that it’s also going to help,” Cat said, adding, The book is for anyone wishing to increase the psychic abilities they were born with – something many people don’t know is possible.
“I was reliving a lot of what I was finding in my journals. I would have to stop and deal with that and then go back to writing. As I worked the skills, I sometimes found little nuances I had not written about [in journals] like the difference between what is a dream and what is astral travel” and included them in the book.
Cat is a retired social worker and addictions counselor. She’s also an ordained pagan minister and a triple Aries. Her sessions teaching psychic abilities and shadow work, as well as guiding individuals on their spiritual paths are all tailored to each client. Classes are $20, although she often does spiritual counseling at no charge.
“It’s where my heart is because of my compassion for other people. Service is a big part of my spirituality,” she said.
She is also heavily involved in “Green Egg Magazine: A Journal of the Awakening Earth.” Begun in the 1968 by Tim [now Oberon] Zell, the e-zine was the journal of the pagan Church of All Worlds.
“It’s had several incarnations,” Cat said of the publication for which she serves as staff coordinator and is also a contributor. It is currently an emailed PDF. The last edition was 44 pages of pagan information and artwork. The cost is $3.50. Efforts are being made to change the format to more of a blog, she said. Two more books are in the works. One is about the history of paganism in the United States.
“People of the ’60s were the trailblazers: Oberon Zell, Selena Fox, Starhawk,” Cat said. Rather than a “stuffy textbook” it will include personal stories and challenges in addition to the history.
The second book will be about her personal practice. “It’s about my experience, how I view the holidays, my family’s traditions and what we used to do, how we honored the wheel, and some rituals and spells and herbalism.”I am very eclectic and my family was as well. Their belief was pretty much a witch needs to know how to work with all the powers and energies in the world no matter what they are, be it Christian energies or demonic energies, a grass blade or atmospheric energies. Being able to work with energy is the job of a witch. There are no real rules.”
Readers can write to her through her website at and find her on Facebook at Earth Witch-Cat Gina Cole.
She encourages people to send messages, promising replies.
About the Author:
Lynn Woike
All my life I have known magic was real. As a child, I played with the fae, established relationships with trees and “just knew things.” In my maiden years I discovered witchcraft and dabbled in the black-candles-and-cemeteries-at-midnight-on-a-fullmoon magick just enough to realize I did not understand its power. I went on to explore many practices including Zen, astrology, color therapy, native traditions, tarot, herbs, candle magic, gems, and, as I moved into my mother years, Buddhism, the Kabbalah and Reiki. The first man I dated after my divorce was a witch who reintroduced me to the Craft, this time by way of the Goddess. For 11 years I was in a coven, but with retirement, I have returned to an eclectic solitary practice.
When accepting the mantle of crone, I pledged to serve and teach. This is what I do from my skoolie – a 30-year-old school bus converted into a tiny house on wheels that I am driving around the country, following 72-degree weather, emerging myself into nature, and sharing magic with those I meet. Find me at, Facebook and Instagram.