Book Review – Pagan Portals – Frigg: Beloved Queen of Asgard by Ryan McClain
Book Review Pagan Portals – Frigg: Beloved Queen of Asgard by Ryan McClain Published by Moon Books 112 pages Publication date: February 1, 2024 Ryan McClain is back with his second book, Frigg: Beloved Queen of Asgard, published by Moon Books. Like his first book Abnoba: Celtic Goddess of the Wilds, his latest work is a deep dive into one goddess, exploring the origins, lore, roles and symbols, relationships with other gods and goddesses, and suggestions for those who wish to venerate the goddess. Frigg has been a large part of McClain’s practice for seven years and the book is a result of the studying he has done to incorporate…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Transformative Magick With Astrology and Alchemy
My Dark Night of the Soul I think before I get along with my more practical explanation of what exactly I’m talking about here, I first need to explain why I chose to write this article, at this particular time. As an Astrologer, I firmly believe that humanity itself is on a threshold: evolve, or don’t. It sounds simple, but it’s much more complex, because we, as human beings, are more complex than duality of good vs. bad, or light vs. dark. The grey area is within us and around us. I mainly work in this grey area, believing that magick and spirituality are exactly what you make it. It…