• Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey, Beltane 2024

    Weyland’s Whey Beltane for Old People The Beltane Sabbat is, among other things, a celebration of union betwixt and between masculine and feminine energies.  This includes already established families (love and commitment) as well as the making of new ones (hubba hubba). Happy Anniversary, Sparkle It will never be long enough.  But eight years is a good start. Feliz Cumpleanos, Delinquent Yeah, we celebrate our little dog’s birthday.  Wanna make something of it? Music Review Keiko Matsui has made several absolutely incredible songs.  Love and Nothing Less, from her Euphoria album, is my current favorite.  Vocals by Lalah Hathaway and harmonica from Gregoire Maret.  Sparkle and I needed a song we considered “ours”. …

  • Crafting Articles,  Monthly Columns,  This Month's Holiday

    In The Kitchen With Skarlett Mayday! Mayday!

    Beltane, AKA May Day, falls on the first of May. It is the festival that marks the midway point between Ostara and the Summer Solstice. In Celtic traditions, it also means the start of the summer season. Other Earth-Centered Religions have celebrated this rebirth of the Earth in many forms: The Germanic festival of Walpurgis Night is a boisterous and beloved celebration involving bonfires and much, noisy merry making; The Greeks would have celebrated Protomagia, Summer’s victory over Winter by making and hanging flower wreaths on their doors. and Vappu in Finland honors the Earth waking up with raucous picnics and mead known as sima shared round. This is only…

  • Reviews

    Witches Through History Grimoire And Oracle Deck

    The Book and the deck are gorgeously illustrated. I love how the author/artist evokes a sense of folktale whimsy through both the book and deck with the individualistic and expressive artwork. Now to the book. Though well written and interesting, it was rather vague in certain areas. The biographies of the historical witches were well researched and presented in an engaging fashion, however. I would have liked to see him expand from the Eurocentric/American subjects he chose to include histories from multicultural settings. So we might learn history and archetypes from around the world and have a broader understanding of such. The author also has a good grasp on the…

  • Crafting Articles,  Monthly Columns,  This Month's Holiday

    In The Kitchen With Skarlett: Bunnies And Flowers And Eggs..Oh My!!!!

    As the wheel turns, we see the icy grip of winter is receding and the days frow longer and warmer. All around new life is blooming, chirping and hopping…yes dear folk Spring has sprung!! With the Equinox comes the need for balance as we shake of the sleepy days of winter to begin new projects, to plant our seeds to grow them to fruition. The chill in the air still warns us that we need to plan and not go off half cocked. Some of the things we can do is get out and breathe in the good spring air. So welcome after being confined for the winter. Take a…