• Reviews

    Cat Magick Weekly Planner By: Rieka Moonsong

    This hardcover book is sturdy and handsome with a silvery elastic to keep it closed and a built in, deep blue, satin ribbon bookmark to indicate where you left off. 18 full-month calendar spreads with no set dates…you you can use it immediately and don’t have wasted space and sheets from past dates. There is plenty of space to write and it it is conveniently sized for carrying in a book bag, briefcase, or purse. The illustrations are a pure delight for any cat lover and the lore and spellwork are well researched and no nonsense. I especially liked the in-depth descriptions of feline energy, elements, planetary companions, and folklore.…

  • Monthly Columns

    The Modern Merlin’s Corner: What’s in a name? The Power and Magick Behind Names

    Names are some of the fundamental words we learn when we’re being taught how to speak any language. Every thing has a name. Every place has a name. Every one has a name. Place names, surnames and first names, middle names, magickal names are just some examples we see everyday, Pagan or not. In magick, both ancient and modern, it’s a pretty well accepted fact that having a spirit (or person’s) name, gives power over them. Examples of this are abundant in the Medieval Grimoire tradition, especially in works like The Goetia and other well-known grimoires. Knowing a deity’s name doesn’t give you power over them, but it does help you connect to their current of energy, and…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Celtic Druidry by Ellen Evert Hopman

    Celtic Druidry: Rituals, Techniques, & Magical Practices by Ellen Evert Hopman, published by Destiny Books, an imprint of Inner Traditions publishing, runs a grand total of 242 pages. Celtic Druidry starts off by explaining exactly what a Druid is, and isn’t, then goes on to cover what we know historically about Druids, which is of course, scarce and biased against them, coming from Greek and Roman historians attempting to paint them in a bad light for imperialist reasons. After that, Hopman goes on to give a run-down of the different Gods and Goddesses of the Druids, from Irish, to Welsh, to even Gaulish and continental Celtic deities, giving a description of each and…

  • Monthly Columns

    Summer Solstice & the Magical Fern Flower of Kupala Night

    by Teachings of the Mythic Past Kupala’s Night or Kupalnocka is a Slavic celebration of the Summer Solstice. This celebration is similar to other Summer Solstice celebrations like Midsommar in Scandinavian countries or Litha of the Celts, or one of my favorites, Sanziene (Fairy Festival) in Romania. There is no coincidence that these charming festivals all take place during the week of the Summer Solstice. Many rituals are associated with this Solstice celebration and include natural elements such as fire and water. The significance of fire and water to the Slavic people corresponds directly to their connection with the Earth and also to Solar deities, water spirits, and many more…