Book Review-From Elder To Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell
Article Photo Credits: Stock Photo of Cover of From Elder to Ancestor, via Publisher From Elder to Ancestor: Nature Kinship for All Seasons of Life by S. Kelley Harrell is a 184 page paperback book published by Destiny Books, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing. From Elder to Ancestor is a book of animism in that it takes the belief that many Pagans, Witches and others walking a nature spirituality path hold, and expands it past nature spirits, spirits of place, etc., and moves it forward into tending community and leaving a legacy for future generations. Harrell leaves exercises, journal prompts and even suggestions for rituals. From Elder to Ancestor can be seen as a blueprint…
Weyland’s Whey Lughnasadh 2024 Column
Lughnasadh It’s pronounced LEW-NAS-AH. One of the eight Pagan Sabbats, the focus is typically on an early harvest aspect and/or celebrations of the Celtic god Lugh. During the Middle Ages it included large gatherings for ceremonies, athletic contests, horse racing and feasting, among other activities. More recently, Lughnasadh observances were typically held atop hills and mountains. The tradition of climbing hills and mountains has survived in some areas, reinterpreted as Christian pilgrimages. (I’m thinking Sound of Music in robes, but that can’t be right.) Since the late twentieth century, Celtic neopagans (us, kinda) have celebrated Lughnasadh–or observances based on it–as religious holidays. Hey, any excuse for a party! (Sources: Wikipedia, learnreligions.com)…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Trance States using Entheogens and Sacred Plant Medicine
Article Cover Photo Credits: Pinterest search for “psychedelic witchy art” My reason for writing on this subject is because my column entry last month mentioned using trance state to connect with local spirits of place, the Land, etc., and so, I decided after checking with the publisher, that I would share my knowledge in this area, and give you my tried and true method of using Entheogenic plants to reach a trance and visionary state and maintain it. This is my preferred method of contacting the Otherside, doing journeying, and the like, but which entheogenic plant I use varies by day, purpose, how I’m feeling, etc. I will not give…
Book Review-Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide by Hajo Banzhaf & Anna Haebler
Keywords for Astrology: The Essential Guide by Hajo Banzhaf & Anna Haebler is a 280 page paperback, published by Weiser Books. Keywords for Astrology lives up to its title, as this is an essential guide for the beginning as well as more seasoned Astrologer. The books covers everything one needs to read and interpret a birth chart, from the planets, angles (ascending, descending, IC and MC), houses, signs, and aspects, even giving phrase building ideas to help express the energy of that placement/aspect, etc. Shadow and light sides of placements and aspects are each given their due, giving a complete view of the birth chart being interpreted, as well as ways to develop…
Good God!: Kalfu
Kalfu (also Kalfou or Carrefour) is the Haitian Vodou God of Intersections. His name literally means “the crossroads,” which is the point where four roads emerge or two paths cross. It is also the point where magic manifests, where choices are made, and fates are forged. He is thought of as “the devil at the crossroads.” a terrifying god, a red demonic beast equated with Saten. One of their most powerful gods, Kalfu allows or denies spirits to cross into the real world “with an understanding into the nature of chaos and creation, good and misfortune, and injustices,” according to Wikipedia. Although other spirits know him, he often remains a…
Book Review-The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read Your Birth Chart by Alison Chester-Lamber, MA, published by Findhorn Press, an imprint of Inner Traditions Publishing, is a book spanning 175 pages total, of which I received a paperback copy. Chester-Lambert attempts to instruct those who are new to Astrology to read birth charts using what she has dubbed “Psychological Astrology”, an interesting approach for sure. Chester-Lambert discusses the basics of Western Astrology, including the elements, polarities, modalities, as well as giving each sign its’ own multiple-page section to discuss characteristics of each sign. Chester-Lambert then covers the houses of the Zodiac wheel, their elements, and areas of life they…
Weyland’s Whey July 13th “Sounds Like Salem” Part Two Column
Weyland’s Whey July 13th “Sounds Like Salem” Part Two Column “Tact is after all a kind of mind reading.” –Sarah Orne Jewett Sounds Like Salem, Part Two: Here There Be Pirates” Salem is most famous for witches, real and imagined, past and present, sure. But there were pirates here too. Lots of ’em. And plenty roamed the North Shore during the Golden Age of Pirates (1650s to the 1730s). Guys like Black Sam Bellamy, who captured over fifty ships in the course of his career, including famous slave ship Whydah Galla. Black Sam was one of the youngest and richest pirates ever, nicknamed the “Prince of Pirates”. He and his crew perished…
Book Review-People of the Outside: Witchcraft, Cannibalism, and the Elder Folk
People of the Outside: Witchcraft, Cannibalism, and the Elder Folk by Lee Morgan, published by Moon Books, is a 206 page book, of which I received an e-book copy. People of the Outside deals with subjects that seem, and in modern sensibilities, are, morbid, and disarming. Throughout the book, Morgan weaves different threads of taboo’s that have existed throughout Sapien society, backing up their theories with scientific evidence using DNA, and historical accounts. Morbid subjects like cannibalism, the profane kiss, and persecutions of countless groups of people deemed by Morgan to be “People of the Outside”, such as cathars, accused witches, and other groups, tying them to the modern notion and pop-culture view…
SpellCrafting: Money Rice
With the land lush and green in the Northeast, it felt like a good time to make a batch of green money rice. I got the idea from a video posted by Witch the Raven on TikTok and was waiting for the right time. July’s dark moon in Cancer after heavy rains that left the world smelling rich and earthy was that time. To make it, put dry rice in a bowl, add green food coloring and stir to coat. To that, Witch the Raven added salt, basil, cinnamon, and chamomile. After mixing, she added patchouli essential oil and stirred again. When I made mine, I forgot all about the…
Book Review-Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh
Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh, published by Inner Traditions Publishing is a 241 page paperback detailing the mystical and occult in Germany. McIntosh explores Germany’s ancient pagan roots, and thoroughly hops around different subjects chapter-to-chapter. The book isn’t in chronological order, but instead each chapter contains a subject that goes through different eras of Deutschland’s history. Germany has a long history of mysticism and the occult, with famous Occultists and Alchemists hailing from Germanic lands, such as Paracelsus, Agrippa, and others. McIntosh delicately discusses the Nazi regime’s impact on the occult in Germany, and also their appropriation and misuse of Germanic and Nordic pagan beliefs, practices…