Book Review – Self-Care for Empaths: 100 Activities to Help You Relax, Recharge, and Rebalance Your Life by Tanya Carroll Richardson
Book Review Self-Care for Empaths 100 Activities to Help You Relax, Recharge, and Rebalance Your Life by Tanya Carroll Richardson Publisher Adams Media 192 Pages I read this book with an open mind. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I love that I was surprised. Self-Care for Empaths is an easy read, not too long. The author packed this book with tips to help empaths stay strong. Mx. Richardson starts in Chapter One with a list of questions to determine if you are an empath and your most vital qualities. I was surprised to read that Clairaudient is considered one of the rarer qualities for an empath. For…
Book Review – Strix Craft: Ancient Greek Magic for the Modern Witch by Oracle Hekataios
Book Review Strix Craft Ancient Greek Magic for the Modern Witch by Oracle Hekataios Llewellyn Publications 310 Pages I am the first to admit that I don’t know much about the different paths of Witchcraft or Wicca. I am eclectic; in that, I do what the Deities ask me to do. But they don’t require that I follow a specific layout in my worship. Strix Craft helped me understand why some people follow particular standards in their worship of the God/dess they work with and worship. In chapter one, the author, Oracle Hekataios, goes into detail about the different magics practiced and taught in Ancient Greece, especially in…
Book Review – The Wonder of Unicorns: Ascending with the Higher Angelic Realms by Diana Cooper
Book Review The Wonder of Unicorns Ascending with the Higher Angelic Realms by Diana Cooper 240 Pages The first two pictures in this book have an eagle and a unicorn in them. To me, this was a universal signal that I was meant to review this book. Because these two symbols, the eagle and the unicorn represent the business that me and my husband run. Ms. Cooper works a lot of with Angels and Mother Mary or the Christ Consciousness. I do not work with any of those energies, I do appreciate that there are those out there that do. If you are a person who works with…
Book Review – You Already Know: How to Access Your Intuition and Find Your Divine Life Path by Helen Jacobs
Book Review You Already Know How to Access Your Intuition and Find Your Divine Life Path by Helen Jacobs 344 Pages I started this book just as the quarantine in the US began, so doing the exercise of creating silence and sacred space was comfortable. Easier than it would have been for me before the quarantine. I haven’t made this many notes for a book in a long time. Since it was an e-book, I had to have my spiral notebook close by to make my notes. I always stop reading and write what I want to remember right away; otherwise, I forget too quickly things that catch…
Book Review – Grimoire of Aleister Crowley: Group Magick Rituals by Rodney Orpheus
Book Review Grimoire of Aleister Crowley Group Magick Rituals by Rodney Orpheus 320 Pages I have read four books on Aleister Crowley. To me, he has been this mythical person that I had heard of since I was a kid. I’ve wondered if the people writing about him are just writing to get published, or is there something that I am missing in their books. Most books I felt that I was having to struggle to get through or stay awake while reading. I am now looking into reading more of Lon Milo DuQuette’s works, after reading the forward he wrote for Rodney Orpheus’ book: Grimoire of Aleister…
Book Review – The Mirror of Magic by Kurt Seligman
Book ReviewThe Mirror of MagicA History of Magic in the Western Worldby Kurt Seligman Original Copyright date 1948 512 Pages Mirror of Magic is a comparative religion book. It starts with Mesopotamia and goes all the way to the 18th century. I’m one of those people that I make lots of notes whenever I’m reading a book. So, with this book, I’ve made like seven pages of notes. I made a note of, in Mesopotamia, when it talks about how the Gods were reminded of the misfortune of mortals. Back in Mesopotamia, there is no moral distinction between good or bad, or light and dark; spiteful forces could live…
Book Review – The New Model of Love: Naturally Supercharge Your Relationships by Charles Lim Wu
Book Review The New Model of Love Naturally Supercharge Your Relationships by Charles Lim Wu 320 pages So, as I’ve stated before, in my reviews, I generally don’t read anything about the author or the book before I do my review. I do this because I want to be able to be objective whenever I’m doing a review. With that, here’s my review of the book “The New Model of Love” this was written by Charles Lim Wu, who has a bachelor’s degree in economics and engineering and also has an MBA. Mr. Wu is the creator of a new movement called Modelism and is the first Lucid…
Book Review – The Darkening Age: The Christian Deconstruction of the Classical World by Catherine Nixey
Book Review The Darkening AgeThe Christian Deconstruction of the Classical Worldby Catherine Nixey 352 Pages I can’t remember where I once read that we humans are creatures who are amnesiacs. But we are, lucky for us; someone will come along and write a book that helps us remember what we should have never forgotten. The Darkening Age is such a book written by Catherine Nixey. When I was growing up, I was told the myth that Christians in the early part of their Spirituality were prosecuted for their beliefs. That the religion slowly won over the world with love and peace. I was raised being fed a Christian myth…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: What is Modern Witchcraft?
Book ReviewPagan Portals: What is Modern Witchcraft?Anthology 96 Pages “What is Modern Witchcraft?” is an anthology written by some of today’s top pagan writers. It covers subjects from Modern Solitary Witchcraft, Modern Witchcraft and the Role of Activism, Cyber Witches, Kitchen Witchcraft, Old Craft for New Generation 21st-Century Witches, and a Celtic Perspective. Morgan Daimler is the person they chose to open this book; I find her writing to be well-thought-out and well researched. Ms. Daimler’s writing makes her seem very approachable. I would love to attend a seminar where she is speaking. Annette George, Philip J Kessler, & Amy Ravenson, all talk about cyber witchcraft, as well as…
Book Review – Beyond the North Wind by Christopher McIntosh
Book Review Beyond the North Wind by Christopher McIntosh 256 Pages The Forward of this book is written by Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, who is the High Priest of the Icelandic ÁSATRÚ Association. I found the story of his meeting and developing friendship with Mr. McIntosh, at times, whimsical and tender at the same time. But I also found the respect that runs very deep in that friendship. This book covers a subject, Hyperborean, that I used to talk about with my father. When I was seven years old, my dad would talk about all the different world beliefs that he had heard or read. He would talk about…