Hallie has been a Practicing Pagan for 17 years and has taken these years of education and study to achieve her Certification in Herbalism at the Master Level as well as her Certification as a Meditation Instructor. Fully devoting her life to Spiritualism and living a fully Pagan lifestyle has become the drive in her life, which she achieves while striving to help others within the community turn back to Nature based living. Celebrating being open for just over one year, Hallie is also the Owner and Founder of Saol Bandia - The Goddess Life, an up and coming Metaphysical and Spiritual Hub that supports knowledge and education of all paths while selling and promoting Pagan made goods and tools at ​www.saolbandia.com​ or www.facebook.com/saolbandia. She has also recently begun teaching online courses on Spiritualism as well through her handmade courses at http://sbsstudies.thinkific.com​ focused in Spellcasting and Tarot Divination at this time. Contact Hallie directly at ​[email protected] By text or call at 502-504-7021 Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/halliewood.horrorgore Or you can reach out to her on Instagram @saol_bandia

  • Monthly Columns

    Nurturing Your Wild Child

    Imbolc – Bringing Brigid into your Family   We find in Irish Pagan Traditions a Goddess who embodies fertility and healing as she brings the warmth with her Sacred Flame to make Spring anew in the lands. In fact, her Sacred Flame remains eternal and is lit each year at Imbolc in Kildare, Ireland to bring her back to the forefront, renewing the temperatures and asking the lands to be fertility of animal and plant life. Brigid takes on many roles in both the Celtic Pagan Goddess and the Catholicism ideas – yet for both she is a safe harbor for children, leading and guiding them as a Goddess/Saint of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – A Little Zodiac Series by Daria Harper

    Book Review A Little Zodiac Series by Daria Harper Publisher: Chronicle Books A 12 Book Series for Ages 1-3 Publication Date: August 2020     This book series is amazing for any new parent looking to introduce their children to their Sun signs and finding themselves off the bat! This 12 book series goes through each individual sign with a cute rhyme that is catchy to baby’s ear and will have them coming back for more every time. Each book is made of a hard board like many other children’s books so they can take some wear and tear throughout the day and your child can be safe running off…

  • Monthly Columns

    Nurturing Your Wild Child

      As Pagan parents, we can find explaining and deciphering this time of year to our children a great challenge within our paths of instruction to them. Death, Life, The Spirit Realm (or whatever you wish to address it as) meld together at the beginning of a crossroads leading up to the end of this Wheel’s turn at Samhain. Metaphorically, we can teach our children through the imagery of Harvest, the warmth of Summer ending, and the cold of Autumn beginning here at the Autumn Equinox – more commonly known to Pagans as Mabon or Alban Elfen.    So, how do we represent life & it’s celebration in a way…

  • Monthly Columns

    Divine Introspections: Meditation Journeys through Healing and Spirituality

    Your Personal Perpetual Flame Feeding Your Fire Through Spiritual Design   (Brigid handmade art by Helen Mask of MaskIllustration on Etsy.)   As Brigid moves across the lands, thawing our fields, awakening nature, and guiding the sun back to its highest point in the sky, through her Eternal Flame we find a continuance of renewal, rebirthing, and a wealth of new beginnings and opportunities moving into the Spring. Another great Spiritual Connectivity that we find at this time is a heightened ability to see clearly, not just physically but Spiritually on a much larger scale. Your goals are forming, you’re surrounding yourself with new people that bring you to a…

  • Monthly Columns

    Divine Introspections: Meditation Journeys through Healing and Spirituality

    Your Personal Perpetual Flame Feeding Your Fire Through Spiritual Design   (Photo by Jessica Delp on Unsplash)   As Brigid moves across the lands, thawing our fields, awakening nature, and guiding the sun back to its highest point in the sky, through her Eternal Flame we find a continuance of renewal, rebirthing, and a wealth of new beginnings and opportunities moving into the Spring. Another great Spiritual Connectivity that we find at this time is a heightened ability to see clearly, not just physically but Spiritually on a much larger scale. Your goals are forming, you’re surrounding yourself with new people that bring you to a better sense of self,…

  • Monthly Columns

    Divine Introspections: Meditation Journeys through Healing and Spirituality

    To Release, Then to Increase as We Celebrate the Turn of the Year Rounding out a year of tumultuous growth and spontaneous energy shifts, we end our Wheel of the Year with an incredibly rare opportunity to find faith inside of ourselves and refocus our vision to a positive success. Samhain. Such a sacred time of year as the veil grows to it’s thinnest and we welcome into our homes the Spirits of our deceased loved ones, pay respect to the God/desses of Old, and look to rebirthing our land for the new crops to come. It is time for us to shed the old, celebrate our accomplishments and dive…

  • Monthly Columns

    Nurturing Your Wild Child

      Costumes, Candy, and Carving Galore! Every year we adorn our houses with the spookiest decor, search for the largest pumpkin in the patch, and enjoy fun crafts with our families. It’s no surprise that introducing our children to Samhain is a smooth lesson. We find so much excitement in this time of year yet it has little connection to the Secular Faiths and we find that it’s roots are actually Irish Celtic in nature! Inside this Tradition, we also find some areas of apprehension when it comes to teaching our children the purpose for our Rituals. Death, Spirits, and Magickal things that we let them hold on to with…

  • Monthly Columns

    Nurturing Your Wild Child

    Prepping the Roots of Spirituality When and How to Introduce Your Children to the Path A common denominator in our Spiritual pathways as Pagans is the very immediate indoctrination of a secular Faith, and this beginning is very sheltering and terrifying for many of us. Growing through our Spiritual paths we find that healing becomes a part of this, a necessary piece to rid ourselves of this fear of something unknown which draws into our lives another commonality – the need to save our families from this same Faith-based trauma. This idea coupled with the understanding of how our natural cyclical beings are attuned to the Universe, we begin to…

  • Monthly Columns

    Divine Introspections: Meditation Journeys through Healing and Spirituality

    In a flood of Revolution and Migration, Meditation and other Eastern health practices have taken the Western World. Our vocabularies are growing by leaps and bounds as we learn words like Kundalini, Ayurveda, and Mindfulness. In most health scenarios and Spiritual Paths we hear repeatedly that we need to Meditate. Well, sure! Now how should we begin? Another familiar path is built leading us down tunnels and paths of Guided Meditation Videos, 8 Hour Water and White Noise Playlists, and people leading Meditations – showing us lots of good practice with very little personalization. Meditation ?should? be Personal. Every person is different, so with Meditation being focused within Introspection and…