• Monthly Columns

    This Month’s Freebie from Shirley Lenhard

    Advice from a Tree Freebie from Shirley Lenhard     This month’s downloadable freebie is brought to you by the talented Shirley Lenhard who shares her Pagan themed planner stickers in her group the Pagan Plannertarium. The Pagan Plannertarium is a beautifully created home for FREE Pagan Themed planner stickers for anyone who answers the membership questions and gains entry into the group. I spend a lot of time looking around for stickers that I would use in my Book of Shadows and my daily planner but I don’t really want to spent an arm and a leg on etsy shop layouts that don’t really work for me. So I…

  • Monthly Columns

    Crone’s Corner

    Heeding the Advise from a Tree     There is a stillness in the air in New England when we approach Samhain, the time of year for the descent to begin into the dark days, when the light leaves us to contemplate the harvest of our year that has passed. I feel the trees, which were full of life a few weeks ago, giving their final farewell in a burst of color displaying their life well lived during the turning of the wheel! The first week of November marks the last of the leaves falling gently to the ground, covering the earth in a blanket of brilliant yellow, red, and…

  • Monthly Columns

    Crone’s Corner

    Knowing the Elements in the Turning of the Wheel Meditation is a strong tool in connecting and bonding with the Elements. However, not every one is adept at reaching the deep meditative states that can lead to a successful outcome. There are other avenues that can be explored with equal success, if you are unable to attain deep meditative states. These other avenues also serve to awaken and unlock the creative and artistic abilities in all of us. When I first began actively walking my Path, I felt a pull toward the Elements. I wanted to embrace and incorporate them in my workings, but twenty years ago, scant little was…

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    Crone’s Corner

    My Soul’s Journey I believe that I have a soul that chose to live this life that I am living right now. This soul was a part of the Great Divine, the One True Source and Center, The ONE…you can call it whatever you like…when my soul was part of that Force, it was given the task of learning what it would feel like to be a woman, the youngest of 6 children, a sister, a daughter, a college graduate, a divorcee, a happily married wife, a battered woman, a molested child, a gardener, an herbalist, a professional woman, a sports fan, a quilter, a Witch, a Pagan, and every…

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    Crone’s Corner

    We are All Pollinators Every few years I retreat for reasons all my own, in order to take inventory, if you will, of my progression, my journey, and my life. It is never an easy time for me; it usually precedes autumn, as I begin to feel the decay of the annual plants, as the leaves are touched by subtle shades of reds and yellows before ultimately falling to the ground in this beautiful New England scenery. Reminiscent of my own spiritual death and rebirth, I take this emotional and mental inventory. It doesn’t happen every year, not any more; now it happens when things become balanced and stagnation begins…

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    Book of Shadows: As the Wheel Turns

    May – Blessed Beltane Blessed Beltane! May your fields be well watered, may you never thirst, and may you never hunger. This time of year, makes me happy as I watch everything coming from the earth in full bloom while love and kindness are awakening from the long winter scowls and slowly turning into deliberate smiles. We are all warming up! Finally. And, along with the warmth returning, the Green Man emerges. The King Stag comes in search of the Maiden. The need fires burn and the flames of passion are fanned. It’s time to sow the seeds we have carefully nurtured during the dark days from Samhain to Yule…

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    Crone’s Corner

    Meditation and Divining Incense: uses & recipes I used to shy away from sharing my personal experiences and practices with other people, but then I asked myself, “Why do you keep everything that you love all to yourself?” That’s when I decided to open a Facebook Group called “Pagan Plannertarium” and I started sharing my love of a working book of shadows and graphics that I create to make my working book everything that I want it to be. It is a work in progress and you can follow along with me in the other article under “crafts” Working Book of Shadows in PaganPagesOrg. My group eventually morphed into what…

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    Crone’s Corner

    Pagan Woman I have often contemplated my role as a Pagan woman and have recently begun evaluating my life’s journey as I have evolved into each aspect of the Divine Feminine. I continue on my Spiritual Path in search of pure knowledge and understanding while recognizing that my journey will travel through each aspect of the Divine Feminine in its turn and each aspect has a lesson for my soul to embrace in order for my Spiritual evolution to be successful. Since recognizing that I am a Pagan, I have grown to fully know myself in this journey and I have finally come to the realization that my role in…

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    Book of Shadows: As the Wheel Turns

    April – Spring Has Sprung! Dance by the Light of the Moon! Or, just dance; that is my motto. I made a blingy April Divider because where I live in New England April can be an extremely fickle month and is often than not true to the old saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” Since I can always use a reminder to dance this divider will be sure to elevate my mood and will serve to help me keep the colder wet air of April from settling in and causing late season shivers. I am just hoping that the April showers this year are beautiful falling rain drops instead of…

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    Crone’s Corner

    We Are ALL Right I was sitting around a bonfire one Saturday night in early spring, pondering what will happen to me when I die – exactly. I brought out my flute, stared into the fire and I began to play. I played until I went somewhere else and was totally immersed in thinking about my Spirituality. Suddenly, I got this feeling of utter and complete weightlessness and I tell you honestly, for the first time in my entire life, I had a feeling of not only acceptance but genuine understanding. Here is the culmination of what I am now calling my “vision quest.” I was playing a song on…