Book Review – Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Health & Well-Being by Irisanya Moon
Book Review Practically Pagan An Alternative Guide to Health & Well-Being by Irisanya Moon Moon Books 160 Pages I have always been a practical person, possessing a sense of self-preservation that has allowed me to live for over sixty years in relatively good health. When I saw this book, I was quite naturally intrigued. I expected to read about holistic ways of keeping oneself hale and hearty in body and mind and spirit, and I wasn’t disappointed in that at all. Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Health & Wellbeing certainly delivers. The thing is – there isn’t very much about it that’s pagan. No mention of gods or…
Book Review – Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Cooking by Rachel Patterson
Book Review Practically Pagan An Alternative Guide to Cooking by Rachel Patterson 288 Pages Practically Pagan is a new series of books from Moon Books, a publisher which focuses on Pagan spirituality and related topics. The series is designed to give readers a new perspective on everyday topics, with this volume on cooking looking at a variety of ways to incorporate your faith, spirituality or pagan practices into the dishes you make. Rachel Patterson is a prolific author and famous as a Kitchen Witch. She heads up the Kitchen Witch Coven and is an Elder of the Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchcraft. Previous books by Rachel include…