Communing with the Essence
The Layers of Awareness and Our Essence Coherence — Communing with the Essence requires telling the truth. We must move with and through the layers of thinking, feeling, experiencing, believing, and perceiving in order to naturally and organically arrive at deeper states of awareness. We feel weight to feel weightless. We feel held to feel free. We feel alone to feel closeness. We sense the noise to sense silence. We become present to our life to feel present with others. Our Spirit embodies as a mortal human to know its immortality. We feel lack to feel full. We feel abundant to feel what’s missing. We forget to remember. To…
Communing with the Essence
Gaia’s Creation Story of You — Lately I’ve been pondering the idea of what I used to believe was a “masculine” God up in the heavens out of my awareness of ordinary and earthly reality. I am now considering God might be deeply feminine or androgynous and the Essence of Earth otherwise known as Gaia. This view of God of course is very much within our scope of awareness and perceived reality as Earthlings and not “out there”, somewhere inconceivable. I realize this is not a new thought and not solely mine, however it feels like a huge epiphany for my embodied perception. If what I was taught to…
Communing with the Essence
Cellular Communication — Our sensitivity provides us with a great gift. A gift of incredible sight that far exceeds our eyes. We see through our flesh, auric field, and biological, ancestral, and spiritual connection to the universal field of consciousness. In this web of Life there is infinite intelligence and we as humans are inherently plugged in. It’s through our biological birthright that our sensitivity gets restored and we find our rightful place as living Beings with our planet Earth, Galactic Milky Way, and beyond. Like a seed, it is my understanding that we grow deep into the Dark Rich Soil of the Earth to grow above and beyond…
Communing with the Essence
Relating with Raindrops and Communing with Cups of Tea; The Ecstatic Dance of Life — Our mind is not the only part of ourselves that communicates. A hot cup of tea communicates; maybe through a warning indicating, “careful hot”, or maybe through a comforting warmth or a soothing relaxation, maybe it signals, “it is time for self”. It has been raining these past few days and the rain is communicating with my body. It is not always pleasant or soothing, sometimes it’s distracting and unwanted. Just like Nature, all of Life is communicating with us. Our past, our present, and our future communicates. Parts of ourselves we wish would go…
Communing with the Essence
Communing Essence-ly — There is an opening, a space between mental chatter and unconsciousness or even sleep. It’s not a Void but I’ve confused it to be that many times. It is a deeply connected place where you and another, whether pen to paper, hand to tree, belly to water, heart to Soul, or footsteps to Earth merge into pure presence and the rest of the world seems to disappear, at least for those moments. In aesthetics this space is often called The Zone. In the Arts it’s coined as being in the Flow. Meditative studies can be a gateway into this realm, but so too can the full engagement…
Tips and Techniques for Effective Zoom Events COVID-19 and new protocols for safety has resulted in canceled festivals, rituals and workshops leaving many within our community feeling isolated and yearning for interactions with others. Fortunately, we live in a technologically booming age and since creativity is a staple of pagans, these two together can form a winning partnership….. Basic Virtual Etiquette Now that we are using virtual platforms more often there is the need to establish guidelines for appropriate behavior during the virtual event/call. This month’s post provides some of the basic rules of etiquette you may wish to employ. Muting Microphones When you sign into the virtual…
The Gifts of the Solstice to Connect with the Animal Allies
(Image: Robert Kaufman) Seeking our Animal Allies We are filled with great anticipation for welcoming the Light of the Solstice, the promise of increasingly warmer days and the promise of Spring’s grace. Solstice is also a wonderful time of opportunity to connect to those energies and beings that stand with shining eyes in the darkened forest, seas and air. These gentle and fierce creatures are ready to support our work in all of our endeavors. I would like to share with you a pathworking written a few years ago and one that I have had requested many times. Join me on a journey through the gates of the elemental…