• Monthly Columns

    Of Medicine ‘n’ Magick

    Winter Here I am in the season we call winter. Yule has passed, and length of daylight is waxing in my world, though imperceptibly. I know it is, though, because the hens are laying again. I know because the stored onions and garlic are waking. I know because I’m taking inventory of seeds, placing orders, and dreaming of the spring-to-autumn gardens that sustain us. I know because I’m already dreaming of Imbolc, that glorious midpoint between winter and spring, when the waxing daylight turns undeniable, and garden dreams move into garden actions, albeit indoors, on shelves aglow with privileged light. But now… in the gloom of true winter, it’s a…

  • Monthly Columns

    Inside the Heart of Darkness

    As we move into the darkest time of the year, the human mind takes an inevitable turn towards more negative thoughts and emotions. One of the biggest myths of today’s society is depression. An entire society is forced to ignore their own needs and desires and trade them in for soul crushing indentured servitude; our very thoughts imprisoned by various belief systems. A legal system that imprisons a human being for doing with their own bodies what they will. A society of brainwashed sheep trained to trample any hint of free thinking. All of life has become a prison, where every man, woman and child is reduced to a mere…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Tarot and the Archetypal Journey: The Jungian Path from Darkness to Light by Sallie Nichols

    Tarot and the Archetypal Journey: The Jungian Path from Darkness to Light by Sallie Nichols. Originally published as “Jung and the Tarot” with a 1980 copyright, and republished in 2019 by Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950. This is a 6 inch by 9 inch soft cover book with a matte color illustration on the front cover and a book description on the back cover. There are 398 pages with somewhat small black typeface printed on white paper; the quality of the printing is somewhat inferior, which could be why the images are not very clear and appear to be reprinted rather than original images.…

  • Monthly Columns

    19-Days of Illuminated Darkness Course Offering

    19-Days of Illuminated Darkness Winter Solstice 2019 December 21st @ 11:19p.m. (EST)     Join me, once again, as we count down to the Winter Solstice and “19- Days of Illuminated Darkness”. What was begun as the veils of Samhain parted and the Witch’s New Year turned another cycle of the Great Wheel, continues as we welcome the Winter Solstice and the burgeoning of the Solar Light! Topics will include: … The deeper meaning of the Sabbat, consciousness, honoring and fueling the spark of the Divine within and more. And, a few bonus posts with new writings and experiences to enjoy. The countdown begins on Tuesday, December 3rd as the…