• Reviews

    Book Review-Celtic Tree Alphabets: Mystic Signs and Symbols of Ogham and Colebren by Nigel Pennick

    Book Review Celtic Tree Alphabets: Mystic Signs of Ogham and Coelbren  By: Nigel Pennick Publisher: Destiny Books  176 Page Paperback Release Date: July 23rd, 2024 Celtic Tree Alphabets: Mystic Signs and Symbols of Ogham and Coelbren by Nigel Pennick is as much an academic book on the Ogham and Coelbren alphabets used by Druids and Bards of Ireland, Wales and even Scotland, as it is instructional. Pennick doesn’t disappoint, and gives accurate information; instead of providing instructions, as other books often do concerning ancient alphabets and divination/magical uses, instead shows their uses and meanings, associations, and the like throughout history, inspiring the reader (as it did me) to learn and incorporate…

  • Reviews

    Book Review: Celtic Druidry by Ellen Evert Hopman

    Celtic Druidry: Rituals, Techniques, & Magical Practices by Ellen Evert Hopman, published by Destiny Books, an imprint of Inner Traditions publishing, runs a grand total of 242 pages. Celtic Druidry starts off by explaining exactly what a Druid is, and isn’t, then goes on to cover what we know historically about Druids, which is of course, scarce and biased against them, coming from Greek and Roman historians attempting to paint them in a bad light for imperialist reasons. After that, Hopman goes on to give a run-down of the different Gods and Goddesses of the Druids, from Irish, to Welsh, to even Gaulish and continental Celtic deities, giving a description of each and…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Flower Magic of the Druids by Jon G. Hughes

    Book Review Flower Magic of the Druids: How to Craft Potions, Spells, & Enchantments Written by Jon G. Hughes Publisher: Destiny Books 200 Pages Release Date: May 2, 2023       Reading Flower Magic of the Druids; How to Craft Potions, Spells, & Enchantments by Jon G. Hughes reminded me of both the traditions of our Druidic Ancestors and the more modern flower traditions of my western life growing up here in the United States. Although Jon Hughes is mostly speaking to the flower landscapes of Great Britain and the United Kingdom, I was able to relate and extract much wisdom from his thorough teachings and guidelines as well…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Cult of the Yew by Janis Fry

    Book Review The Cult of the Yew: Tree of Life, Mystery, and Magic Written by Janis Fry Publisher: Moon Books 480 Pages Release Date: April 1, 2023       It is not often a book summons you from the Forest of your Soul and takes you on a journey through time and out of time back into a richer, freer, and more integrated Forest of your Eternal Soul. Janis Fry’s The Cult of the Yew was that catalyst for me. The Yew trees first started whirling in my awareness after a random conversation in the Forest one day with a neighboring woman I met on the trail. She shared…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Trees Are Our Letters: A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators by Carol Day

    Book Review Trees Are Our Letters: A Creative Appointment with Nature’s Communicators by Carol Day Publisher: Moon Books / John Hunt Publishing Ltd. 136 Pages Release Date: March 1, 2023         Trees are our Letters. The book title tells us that there is a story to be told by trees. There are many testimonials at the beginning of the book that speak to the magical connection we have with trees. These testimonials speak to how this book can help to enhance our inner sight, spirituality, and healing. By connecting with nature and trees we can create within ourselves a sense of steady grounding and become more centered.…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Witches, Druids and Sin Eaters: The Common Magic of the Cunning Folk of the Welsh Marches by Jon G. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher

    Book Review Witches, Druids and Sin Eaters: The Common Magic of the Cunning Folk of the Welsh Marches  by Jon G. Hughes with Sophie Gallagher Publisher: Destiny Books 312 Pages Published: September 2022     Witches, Druids and Sin Eaters: The Common Magic of the Cunning Folk of the Welsh Marches by Jon G. Hughes and Sophie Gallagher represents the collaboration between a lineage Druid and a witchcraft researcher and is a thorough and comprehensive guide to the ancient magickal practices of the people of the Welsh Marches. The insight that Mr. Hughes and Ms. Gallagher bring to this tome is clearly evident in the content as a lineage of…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Pagan Portals: Australian Druidry- Connecting with the Sacred Landscape by Julie Brett

    Book ReviewPagan PortalsAustralian DruidryConnecting with the Sacred Landscapeby Julie Brett 129 Pages   “For those who learn to listen, the land itself speaks…Modern Druidry in any landscape is a process of finding a personal connection with nature and spirit, and is a tradition that is evolving and changing as we explore…[O]ur only authority is our relationship with the Earth and with nature. That relationship is our guiding principle.”-Julie Brett This book is not just for Australian Druids! It will be interesting to folks practicing earth-based spirituality all over the world. It provides inspiration for how we can work with the land to alter spiritual tools and maps to make them…