• Fiction,  This Month's Holiday

    In a Forest of Winter Enchantment: A Special Fiction Piece by The Modern Merlin

    Good afternoon and Frohes Muttersnacht to you all! For those who don’t know, Mother’s Night is celebrated the night before Yule (the Winter Solstice) in many traditional Germanic customs. Not only are our earthly and ancestral mothers honored, but also the mother goddesses. This part of my Winter holiday celebration is when I switch into a more ancestry-based practice, incorporating various Celtic, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon beliefs concerning the winter solstice tradition. All this, while still honoring Saturnalia, which in essence welcomes in “Jack Frost” or “Old Man Winter” as he is now called. This fiction piece is inspired by the energy of Mother’s Night, and is in celebration of all mothers out…

  • Fiction

    From the minds of Aeor, a Series of Shorts

    Karma Kamara   “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” she said as she snapped the book closed. “Not much else could be worse than this, if you ask me.” She put her weathered copy of A Tale of Two Cities down on the cot beside her, a small cloud of dust puffing out around it. It was the only thing she had now. Not a smartphone, her laptop, her closetful of clothes; nothing. Everything here was dusty and dirty. What more could you expect from an abandoned building? She was too scared to clean, though, to be honest. If she cleaned, someone might notice…

  • Reviews

    Book Review & Interview – Keira’s Alpha by D.A. Hinkley

    Book Review Keira’s Alpha by D.A. Hinkley Publisher: Self-Published 310 Pages Release Date: September 1, 2023         Bright Blessings, I had the pleasure of meeting D.A. Hinkley several years back when I was a shop witch at a glorious place called The Parlor in Uptown Westerville. She came in for an event, and we became friends. She gets along with everybody because of her personality, but deep down to a soul level, we connected, and I am so thankful for that. I admire her greatly. Her independence and ability to do whatever she sets her mind to makes her a role model for everybody, especially girls and…

  • Monthly Columns

    From the minds of Aeor, a Series of Shorts

    The Braleigh Affair   There was a pounding at the door, late in the night. The gatekeeper tried to ignore it at first as it was too late for visitors, and too early for the morning deliveries. That only left one possible cause for such an incessant knocking: trouble. The Magus Institute was greatly appreciated and respected by most, but there were still some who feared magic and wanted to drive them out of town. Therefore, the gatekeeper felt well within his right to let the hoodlums banging on his door freeze in the cold night wind for however long it took them to finally give up and leave. That…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Wyldwood: A Novel for the Scottish Borders (The Spiral Pathways) by Tava Baird

    Book Review Wyldwood: A Novel for the Scottish Borders (The Spiral Pathways) by Tava Baird Publisher: Self-Published 190 Pages Release Date: May 5, 2022         “September 1746, the Scottish Borders. In a country still reeling from the Jacobite uprising, Saorsa Stuart, a practicing Celtic Witch and Bonnie Prince Charlie’s niece, has escaped imprisonment and must find her way west in search of her father and safety. Escorting her on the journey is Alexander Scott, a veteran of the Battle of Culloden who struggles with a dark supernatural secret. Part Faerie Tale, part romance, part adventure novel, and at its core the story of a young woman finding…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Smolder: An Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Novel by Laurell K. Hamilton

    Book Review Smolder: An Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Novel  by Laurell K. Hamilton Publisher: Berkley 372 Pages Release Date: March 21, 2023         I have been waiting anxiously for this next adventure with Anita Blake-and it didn’t disappoint! For those of you who are not familiar with the amazing world created by Laurell K., you have no idea what you are missing. This is the 28th book in the series, and it delivered mystery, romance, and of course Anita’s unique sense of humor. There are not too many authors that can continue with one character/series for over 20 years, and the fact that she has been able…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale by Ron George

    Book Review Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale by Ron George Publisher: Kindle Direct Publishing 220 Pages Release Date: December 13, 2020         Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale is a fantasy novel cast in the mold of an early episode of Charmed. It starts with an expositional interaction between two long-dead witches, then introduces a cast of unrelated teenagers acting even less sensibly than teenagers usually do in horror movies. The teenagers decide to start up a virtual reality game in a haunted mansion on Hallow’s Eve, opening up a dangerous portal to the underworld, and blood is soon shed. Mayhem ensues with a series of murders, inept…

  • Interviews

    Exclusive Interview with author Ron George

    Interview with Ron George, Author of Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale   Pagan Pages: What got you started as a writer? Ron George: I was really into poetry and classical literature when I was in high school. Shakespeare’s Macbeth really inspired me to start writing. But looking back I would say the movie Mean Girls. Fanfics were really big back then so I joined one of the online groups and developed a fairly decent following with my stories. At the time I don’t think Tina Fey knew that Mean Girls, almost overnight, developed a cult following. Well, the original version was actually written by Rosalind Wiseman. Anyway, for whatever reason…

  • Monthly Columns

    Faery Story – The Land of Cassari

        Hi everyone! It’s Kelpie Sunpearl here again to regale you! This story was something my grandma told me when I was younger.    Lily Tranelis, a half-elf bookkeeper, fell asleep on top of her book, scrolls scattered around her, after a long day of scribing. Once they made sure she was asleep, the faeries that had been watching Lily for a couple of years now, appeared around her. Some of them started tidying up,  and one named Cerulean Sky placed a blanket on her so she didn’t catch a cold. One, by the name of Willowmist, braided Lily’s hair and placed a pretty ribbon at the end. Another…

  • Monthly Columns

    Faery Story – The Land of Cassari

    Juicy Gossip!                                    by Kelpie Sunpearl Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day! If not, I hope these JUUUUUICY bits of gossip from Birchwood Grove distract you and help you have a better day!  I was talking to Twig Magpie the other day. He helps his father run The Magpie’s Nest, the general store in BG. He also finds neat artifacts and odds n ends for the fairies and is THE best person to go to for the latest rumors or gossip going around!  SO here we go! Twig told me that the last couple of days has been CRAAAAZY for the Rainbow Animal Care Clinic (RAAC)! Some…