Book Review-Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside by Paul Wyld
Book Review Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside By Paul Wyld Publisher: Inner Traditions 256 page E-Book Release Date: September 10th, 2024 Jim Morrison, Secret Teacher of the Occult: A Journey to the Otherside by Paul Wyld is a fascinating look into Jim Morrison’s life, and his exploration of the Occult and Hermetic mysteries, coinciding with his musical career and well-known use of psychedelics and other drugs. The book covers Morrison’s life from early childhood, his adolescent and college years, where he began experimenting with LSD, and his career with The Doors and the numerous debacles thrown his way by the Establishment through law enforcement…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner-October 2024: The Occult Truths of Baphomet and The Dark Man of Witchcraft
Before I begin this column entry, I would like to emphasize my appreciation for a book I’m working on for review, Song of the Dark Man: Father of Witches, Lord of the Crossroads by Darragh Mason. It has inspired me to get in touch with certain aspects of myself again, and allowed some powerful inner alchemy to be done. The Dark Man has been a presence in my craft from the onset, and I feel it’s time I add my contribution to the topic, especially as many works on the subject are being published by many well-known and respected publishing houses. Please keep an eye out for my review of Song of the Dark…
Book Review-Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh
Occult Germany: Old Gods, Mystics and Magicians by Christopher McIntosh, published by Inner Traditions Publishing is a 241 page paperback detailing the mystical and occult in Germany. McIntosh explores Germany’s ancient pagan roots, and thoroughly hops around different subjects chapter-to-chapter. The book isn’t in chronological order, but instead each chapter contains a subject that goes through different eras of Deutschland’s history. Germany has a long history of mysticism and the occult, with famous Occultists and Alchemists hailing from Germanic lands, such as Paracelsus, Agrippa, and others. McIntosh delicately discusses the Nazi regime’s impact on the occult in Germany, and also their appropriation and misuse of Germanic and Nordic pagan beliefs, practices…
Book Review – The Little Book of the Occult: An Introduction to Dark Magick by Astrid Carvel
Book Review The Little Book of the Occult: An Introduction to Dark Magick by Astrid Carvel Publisher: Moon Books / John Hunt Publishing Ltd. 129 Pages Release Date: March 7, 2023 The Little Book of the Occult presents the concepts of Occult Magick. Astrid Carvel presents the concepts of historical witchcraft in perfect concert with real time practices and the popularity of witchcraft on social media. The chapters are organized in a manner that addresses the What, Why and How of the practice of Occult Magick. In her introduction, Astrid indicates that this book is an introduction to all things magickal, however the delightful surprise is…
Book Review – Allow Me to Introduce: An Insider’s Guide to the Occult by Lon Milo DuQuette
Book Review Allow Me to Introduce: An Insider’s Guide to the Occult by Lon Milo DuQuette Publisher: Weiser Books 216 Pages Publication Date: February 1, 2020 Allow Me to Introduce… a most intriguing title. Indeed, this is a proper title for this book. Here, you have a collection of writings on many different occult topics. Mr. DuQuette has collected various introductions that he has penned for books, and has placed them here in this edition. There are many topics he has written about in these book introductions which include: Qabalah, Tarot, Thelemic Magic, Enochian Magic, and Masonry. These brief introductions give an overview of the author’s experiences with…
Witch & Popcorn
Review of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Bright Blessings, film lovers! This time I am reviewing a series Netflix has done three seasons of, and I have been told, are at least doing a fourth- The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It’s supernatural fiction about Sabrina, a half human who has to come to terms with her powers, and decide how, or IF she will use them. She gets a lot of pressure from family and mentors, all of whom seek to mold her THEIR way. Sabrina is not having it. Surprisingly mature and responsible for a teenager, she, along with family and friends, navigates the treacherous, and blissful world…
Tarot Talk
Page of Wands (The Page of Wands card is from the artist Ciro Marchetti http://www.ciromarchetti.com/)** We are almost to the end of the deck! Let’s continue our work with the Tarot “Royals” by examining the Page of Wands. As always, we will begin by reviewing some basic information. A Tarot deck has 78 cards. There are 22 Major Arcana cards dealing with broader and more far-reaching life experience issues, archetypes that are easy for us to identify with and connect with at some point in our lives. There are 56 Minor Arcana cards that are customarily grouped into four categories or suits that represent the four elements dealing…
Book Review – Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
Book Review Unholy Alliance A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda 464 Pages Bright Blessings, readers! My editor offered this book, and I JUMPED at it! As a daughter of Odin, I have spent time speaking with plenty of different Heathens who come from a plethora of groups and belief systems, and let me tell you- there is a very strong influence from Nazi Germany even in modern Heathenry. I feel it is extremely important to be aware of this, and know the difference between genuine devotion to the gods, and devotion to being a racist. So, I was over the moon to hear I…
Book Review – The Weiser Book of Occult Detectives: 13 Stories of Supernatural Sleuthing, Edited & Introduced by Judika Illes
Book Review The Weiser Book of Occult Detectives 13 Stories of Supernatural Sleuthing Edited & Introduced by Judika Illes 320 Pages I confess, when I first heard about this book, I thought it was a book about true crime – stories in which crimes had been solved by calling in psychics and other occult professionals. But The Weiser Book of Occult Detectives: 13 Stories of Supernatural Sleuthing is a book of short stories – thirteen of the greatest detective stories ever written. Collected, edited and introduced by Judika Illes, they are an entertaining read for any fan of ghost stories, detective stories or just well-written prose. In the…