The Modern Merlin Chats with Rachel S Roberts, Author of Wolf and Pagan Portals: Lupa
Hello everyone! I am so excited to present another author interview for you all! Rachel Roberts is another one of my favorite authors, and it was truly a pleasure to have a chance to talk with her! This interview is nearly two hours long, and split into two separate parts. We talk about everything Wolf, her books, and even go into Astrology, Starseeds, herbs, plants, crystals, deities and more, all relating to Wolves! Rachel Roberts Interview Pt. 1 The first part below, Rachel and I get into Wolves, and why we’re each drawn to them, and we discuss everything from deities, Starseeds, Astrology, Shadow Work, and more, of course all…
Book Review – The Magic of Seeds by Clare Gogerty, Illustrated by Prudence Rogers
Book Review The Magic of Seeds: The Nature-Lover’s Guide to Growing Garden Flowers and Herbs From Seed by Clare Gogerty, Illustrated by Prudence Rogers Publisher: David & Charles 144 Pages Release Date: March 28, 2023 Regular Pagan Pages visitors will know that my love of plants is no secret. So, getting the chance to review any flora-related book is a win, in my opinion. This volume from Clare Gogerty with superb illustrations by Prudence Rogers is a gem, both a riveting read and a useful reference book. The Magic of Seeds is about growing your own plants for magical and practical purposes — after all, most magic is a pretty…
The Modern Merlin’s Corner: Lupercalia: The Ancient Pagan Roots of Valentine’s Day
What is Lupercalia? It’s a chilly February day, and snow is coming down in my neck of the woods as I write this. I look out my window, seeing the snow fall and am dreaming of warm summer days returning, and my trip to Southern California late last Summer. But, amidst my daydreams, I see a bit of hope; Imbolc is typically when Neo-Pagans celebrate the returning strength of the Sun, and the coming of Spring. For me, Imbolc is about healing, and reconnecting to your inner child/maiden, regardless of gender identity. Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15th, is more focused on love, in all its forms. In my personal…
Witch Hunt
There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings. Meet Kelsey Jean It’s always special to meet mothers and daughters who are both witches. Kelsey Jean is the daughter of Barbara King, who was featured here two years ago. Although I am based out of New Hampshire, and had been in her hometown several times, it was in Florida at the Skoolie Fest that I met her. As a self-identified “new witch,” she is a firm believer in dabbling in everything. Her grimoire contains information on sigil work and color associations to astrology and chakras. Calling magic…
Exclusive Interview with author Ron George
Interview with Ron George, Author of Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale Pagan Pages: What got you started as a writer? Ron George: I was really into poetry and classical literature when I was in high school. Shakespeare’s Macbeth really inspired me to start writing. But looking back I would say the movie Mean Girls. Fanfics were really big back then so I joined one of the online groups and developed a fairly decent following with my stories. At the time I don’t think Tina Fey knew that Mean Girls, almost overnight, developed a cult following. Well, the original version was actually written by Rosalind Wiseman. Anyway, for whatever reason…
Book Review – Pagan Family Prayers and Rituals by Ceisiwr Serith
Book Review Book of Pagan Family Prayers & Rituals by Ceisiwr Serith Publisher: Weiser Books 272 Pages Release Date: June 1, 2022 A book about Pagan prayers and rituals? Who knew! I wish I could have had this book when my children were little! This book is chock full of prayers for every occasion: Morning, Bedtime, Holidays like Samhain, Yule, Imbolc! It explains each of the four festivals, the solstices, and the equinoxes; it gives what decorations, foods (and recipes!), and drinks you should use, along with rituals, and blessings that should be used. Ceisiwr wrote this book obviously for families, but anyone can use this…
Book Review – Travels Through Middle Earth by Alaric Albertsson
Book Review Travels Through Middle Earth By Alaric Albertsson Foreword by Christopher Penczak Publisher: Crossed Crow Book 240 pages Publication: June 8, 2009 From the publisher: “Alaric Albertsson’s Travels Through Middle Earth: The Path of a Saxon Pagan is a beautifully written book that tells the reader how to incorporate these old pagan beliefs into modern magical practice. The book itself serves as a bridge to the past – connecting the reader to folklore, traditions, and rituals of the Anglo-Saxons in a way that is both comforting and familiar, while still engaging enough to help the reader add depth to their practice.…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity by Lady Haight-Ashton
Book Review Pagan Portals: The Temple Priestesses of Antiquity by Lady Haight-Ashton Publisher: Moon Book Publication Date: July 29, 2022 128 pages Temple Priestesses are sadly a thing of the past. These women were revered and held in high esteem, unlike a lot of women nowadays. This book was not only empowering, but informative and a joy to read. Lady Haight, a Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestess, wrote this, not just intellectually, but with such reverence that I could not put it down. She explains the life of the ancient Temple Priestesses and how society saw them as if she was there and experienced it herself. I learned…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: Polytheism: A Platonic Approach by Steven Dillon
Book Review Polytheism: A Platonic Approach by Steven Dillon Publisher: Moon Book Publication Date: March 22, 2022 144 pages Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods. When I got this book to review, I was expecting a completely different book than what I got. I am polytheistic so I was quite excited by the title. I thought this sounded like an interesting approach and possibly a book I could give to any of my monotheistic friends so that they could maybe get a better understanding of what polytheism was. Sadly, that was not what I got. Instead of a book easy for anyone to read and understand, this…
Sad Passing of Lora Gaddis of Pooka Pages Magazine for Pagan Kids, Legacy Lives On
Lora Gaddis, creator and editor of Pooka Pages Magazine for Pagan Kids, passed away from an aggressive cancer on the 8th February. It was Lora’s last wish that the magazines be archived and made freely available to children. To this end, Cheyanna Ireland kindly archived and organized all the back copies for children now and in the future. Please read the caveat and follow the link below. Enjoy Lora’s last gift. Caveat: This archive is available for people to download for their own personal use and to share with friends, use in groups etc. No permissions are given or are to be assumed for any part of the magazines,…