• Monthly Columns

    The Chrysalis – Poetry

        A time of harvest, And a time of shedding. Of death, and beginning anew.   Dark nights bloom as ravens song. And moon on ravens wings. The chill of the air and the crunch in the leaves.   Crisp apples and the scent of decay. The lingering smoke of spent candles. Coalesces with the smoke of the fires.   Tears, as we honor the memories,  Those who have gone before us. The fetch the water for the next generations.   As I shed my skin, As I crawl into this cocoon. I dissolve.   Knowing my depths. Demons of the deep ocean, And stygian deep.   Grand chaos.…

  • Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey

    For Your Deliberation If you were on trial for being a witch, would there be enough evidence to convict you?   Goodbye, My Friend Our feline companion and familiar, Jinx, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning.  Old, gaunt and confused, we knew it would be selfish to keep him with us any longer.  He was a champion.  And he will be missed.   Friendship Is Magic, Too by Weyland Smith It had been a while since I’d talked to my compadre Mihos.  We’d been in the old coven together and had managed to stay in sporadic contact over the years.  It would be fun to talk witchery with him…

  • Uncategorized

    As Above, So Below (How the Stars Became Our Hearts)

    Duality: Harvest Blessings     Blessed be the shores of Acheron, Blessed be the coming of the dawn. Blessed be the buds of spring And the bees that gather on.   Blessed be the pure and true. Blessed be the morning dew  Blessed be the pink and green. Blessed be the blue.     Blessed be the heat and sweat. Blessed be the sun. Blessed be the steamy wet. Blessed be the fun.   Blessed are the bees, As they toil to me the honey. And blessed are we. As we toil to make the money.     Blessed be the fires burning. Blessed be the year of turning. Blessed…

  • Monthly Columns

    Poetry – Lúnasa

      We come to eat, we come to play To revel in the joy of the sun The heat of the height of the year The Solstice has come and gone. We bring in the first grains And pick first fruits to share We store away for later months We pickle and prepare. And while we feast and compete We honour those who came before By being better Being kinder Being something more For this green and graceful world Fragile in some ways But She’ll go on after us Nature stays, always stays… Let us hold the sun in our hearts Let us give space for the wild Let us…

  • Monthly Columns

    Poem – Spinning The Sun

    Spinning The Sun   Height of the sun So high, so high Ground wavering and melting In the heat haze Call me to your soul Deep love, deep light Yet burning danger Consuming fire Nothing in part-measures Aching, desperate Passion so bright Call me to your home The heart of the desert The source of the hot spring The centre of the mountain Ready to burst Ash and fire Over the land Call me to your music Dancing the round Spinning the sun Clattering bells that Glisten and sparkle As boots hit the ground Over and over Beating the drum Beating the heart The thrum of blood Bursting through Summer’s…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Fortunate: Tarot Poetry by Kim Rashidi

    Book Review Fortunate: Tarot Poetry by Kim Rashidi Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing 168 Pages Release Date: May 3, 2022         Fortunate: Tarot Poetry is a sweet book containing 78 short poems inspired by the 78 cards of the Tarot. The poems are presented in a randomized order in the book, and it is suggested in the short introduction that the reader may wish to use the book as a form of Tarot-inspired bibliomancy. Each poem also comes with a few blank pages, so that the book can be used as a Tarot journal, or as a place where someone may collect notes and reflections on the poems…

  • Monthly Columns

    Poetry by Angela C Wood

        Witch’s Trance counting down from 5 to 1 relax your body and mind reaching down to number 4 seeing 3 so you see more   for 2 it takes you to the deep finding love and finding peace I will bring you to this dance fully charged in the Witch’s Trance   release your worries and your woes feeling lifted as your light grows charging up to find the truth getting rid of what’s no use   enjoying peace and harmony in this place will show your power, strength and ability to nurture the seeds you sow   a time for you, your needs are met goals and…

  • Monthly Columns

    Equinox of the Heart – Exclusive Poem from Author Mabh Savage

    A Brand New Poem from Author Mabh Savage, Exclusive to PaganPagesOrg.       Equinox of the Heart   March winds come before April showers May flowers Cleaning the earth Blowing away Winter’s chilling dust Remnants of rot Leaf piles dead Slushy, slimy heaps of Seasonal trash Yet busting out with life Wood lice, slugs, snails, early caterpillars Then birds that come to feast Blackbirds, robins, and now the mistle thrush Pecking industriously Through a compost carnival Early spring’s banquet Against a backdrop of Cautious blossom.   My heart, my heart blooms like the Snowdrop the Crocus the Narcissus Waiting to be plucked To plunge me down into the Earth…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – What the Wild Replied: Poems From Human Nature by Becky Hemsley

    Book Review What the Wild Replied: Poems from Human Nature by Becky Hemsley Publisher: Wildmark Publishing 199 Pages Release Date: September 20, 2022     From the publisher:  What the Wild Replied is the second poetry collection from Becky Hemsley, author of popular poem ‘Breathe’ which featured in her first book ‘Talking to the Wild’. What the Wild Replied takes us through the four seasons from the perspective of human nature. It looks at how we navigate our own winters and embrace our own summers, how we let go during our own autumns and seize the opportunities of our own springtime. It includes poems of hope, healing and help. Designed…

  • Monthly Columns

    Make it so – Poetry of Angela C Wood

      Make it so   think it so and it will come the dreams that cannot hide believe it will and make it so the pictures you see inside   you have the power to create anything you need realize and generate that thought that was the seed   become the life dreaming big passing on you sum make it so this is your will think it so, it will become   realize your dreams come true the blessed ideas that come from you release the thought as it is done believe the thought it will become   *(Photo by Timothy Perry on Unsplash)   ** About the Author: Greetings…