Vlady and Vampires – How Did We Get Here? Vampire Origins of Slavic and Eastern European Folklore
If a picture says 1000 words, then I have those words for you, plus a little extra. Plus, it’s been a *bloody* long time since I’ve been able to post anything because I’m busy with school. But, for your pleasure, here’s what I think of when I see a modern depiction of a vampire strewn about everywhere during October, the month of Halloween & (sometimes –depending on exactly what day you celebrate-) Dziady. Let’s DIG in Like Grave Robbers Slavic folklore plays a foundational role in shaping modern depictions of vampires. In these traditions, vampires were called “upir,” or “upyri” and were feared as undead beings that rose from…
Book Review – Bogowie: A Study of Eastern Europe’s Ancient Gods by T.D. Kokoszka
Teachings of the Mythic Past – Book Review on Bogowie: A Study of Eastern Europe’s Ancient Gods by T.D. Kokoszka If you’re looking for an easy read or beginner’s book on Slavic myth, folklore, and Paganism you might want to look elsewhere. This book features tons of advanced information on traditional Slavic Pagan beliefs. Chapter 6 of Bogowie is called Advanced Concepts in Indo-European Mythology, but I think this would not have been such a bad way to describe the book itself! T.D. Kokoszka focuses greatly on Slavic mythology and folklore in this very in-depth study. But with that being said, the book is certainly not for beginners who are…