• Reviews

    Book Review-The Witch’s Workshop: A Guide to Crafting Your Own Magical Tools by Melissa Jayne Madara

    Photo Credits: Stock Photo of The Witch’s Workshop, courtesy of Publisher The Witch’s Workshop: A Guide to Crafting Your Own Magical Tools by Melissa Jayne Madara is a 231 page book published by Watkins Publishing, a division of Watkins Media Group, of which I received an e-book copy. This book, to start off with, is beautiful, with full color pages, photos and vintage style plant illustrations gracing the pages. As far as the material within the book goes, the recipes are tried and true, having used the same or similar recipes myself in the past. Madara gives recipes for incense, oils, powders, candles, dyes, inks, how to craft ritual paper, ritual chalk, and making…

  • Reviews

    Witches Through History Grimoire And Oracle Deck

    The Book and the deck are gorgeously illustrated. I love how the author/artist evokes a sense of folktale whimsy through both the book and deck with the individualistic and expressive artwork. Now to the book. Though well written and interesting, it was rather vague in certain areas. The biographies of the historical witches were well researched and presented in an engaging fashion, however. I would have liked to see him expand from the Eurocentric/American subjects he chose to include histories from multicultural settings. So we might learn history and archetypes from around the world and have a broader understanding of such. The author also has a good grasp on the…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from the Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Snowberry   Snowberry, or Symphoricarpos, is the name for 15 or so shrubs that boast gorgeous white berries. The plant is part of the honeysuckle family, and is also known as waxberry or the beautifully evocative name, ghostberry.     The inspiration to write about this plant came from my 13-year-old, who sent me this cute WhatsApp message on his way home (pictured). It’s lovely to be the “go-to” person for plant info, and nice to be able to give some fast advice on a potentially toxic plant! The interesting thing about snowberries is that, while they can be toxic, they’re also used medicinally in some…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Spell Jars for the Modern Witch by Minerva Siegel

    Book Review Spell Jars for the Modern Witch: A Practical Guide to Crafting Spell Jars for Abundance, Luck, Protection, and More By Minerva Siegel Publisher: Ulysses Press 160 pages Publication Date: June 6, 2023         Minerva Siegel gives readers 50 recipes for spell jars, and the magickal fundamentals to know before you begin. While the title is “Spell Jars for the Modern Witch,” you don’t have to be a witch to protect, manifest, or heal. Also known as witch bottles, they contain the elements of a spell, and can easily be recharged and refreshed to offer long-lasting effects. The first part of the book describes six psychic…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from the Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Anemones   Whenever you hear the word “anemone” you’ll either imagine a gorgeous yet shy sea creature or a beautiful flower found both in the wild and in gardens all over the world. Of course, here in the Apothecary, we’re excited about the flowers! There are well over a hundred species of anemone, including Anemone blanda and Anemone nemorosa, both often referred to as wood anemones or the more evocative name, windflowers. Anemones are in the same family as buttercups (Ranunculaceae) and grow from bulbs or rhizomes, usually coming back year after year. In Europe, anemones are keepers of living history, in a way, as large…

  • Monthly Columns

    Notes from the Apothecary

    Notes from the Apothecary: Columbine   The columbine, or Aquilegia, is a striking flower, with hooked spurs that resemble either eagle’s talons or the heads of doves gathered together. It’s in the same family as buttercups (Ranunculaceae), which while isn’t obvious in the shape of the flowers, becomes more apparent when you look at the hairy stems and the lobed leaf shapes. There are up to 70 species of columbines that we know about, with colours ranging from bright blue to deep red. Also known as Granny’s Bonnet, these fantastic flowers carry a wealth of folklore and magical associations.   The Kitchen Garden Columbine are one of those plants that…

  • Interviews,  Monthly Columns

    Witch Hunt

      There are witches all around us. You can find them anywhere… The Witch on Wheels has been documenting her findings.   Meet: Catherine LaForza   Catherine is a 60-year-old Witch, a warm glass artist, caregiver, Grammy and Death Midwife who has been a practicing pagan since 1990. We connected this summer when I was in Connecticut. She’s a caregiver to her husband who has not only survived, but thrives as a 20-year heart transplant recipient. Their experiences dancing on the edge of Death has led her to train as a Death midwife. Birth and Death are spokes on the same wheel; both are initiations and transitions. Death midwifery sits…

  • Interviews

    Exclusive Interview with author Ron George

    Interview with Ron George, Author of Elizabeth Franklin: A Witch’s Tale   Pagan Pages: What got you started as a writer? Ron George: I was really into poetry and classical literature when I was in high school. Shakespeare’s Macbeth really inspired me to start writing. But looking back I would say the movie Mean Girls. Fanfics were really big back then so I joined one of the online groups and developed a fairly decent following with my stories. At the time I don’t think Tina Fey knew that Mean Girls, almost overnight, developed a cult following. Well, the original version was actually written by Rosalind Wiseman. Anyway, for whatever reason…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic by Victoria Maxwell

    Book Review Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic  by Victoria Maxwell Published by Red Wheel208 Pages Published: March 2022     “When we start getting into magical work we often get so carried away with the magic, connection to spirit and high- vibe feelings that we forget to ground ourselves in the here and now. But grounding is incredibly important. If we don’t stay grounded, our magic has nowhere to anchor itself. We can try to manifest amazing things in our lives, but if we aren’t present in our own bodies and in our own lives, that magic has nowhere to go. Or sometimes what happens is…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Kitchen Witch

    Using Leftovers ~ Fried Rice We all have leftovers. I have lived with people – men, mostly – who have refused to eat leftovers. But I come from a family who don’t waste anything at all – not food, not clothes, not anything at all – and I am the same way. And honestly – if you throw away food – you’re throwing away money. That’s how I look at it. And I do not like to waste money. Of course – some people think I waste a lot of money – buying books the way I do – but we all have our addictions! I have a three-day rule…