
CrossRoads by Jenna Greene

“CrossRoads,” her debut cd and what a debut cd it is.   A collection of Celtic original songs each one telling a story clearly and beautifully written and sung so gloriously that it makes you want to stop and enjoy what you hear.  Keep in mind that these are not traditional Celtic songs which is why I am so thrilled with them.  They have the Celtic flair, they have the history but with a twist.

Jenna is also currently working on her second CD, “Dance of the Goddess,”

“ which explores the many aspects of the divine feminine.  It honors the spiritual teachers who have inspired her writings, including Joseph Campbell, Jon and Caitlin Matthews, and Louise Hay.  These themes are woven into the landscape of ethereal, mythic worlds Jenna is known for creating.” *

Do yourself a favor and give the cd a listen to.  Jenna Greene she is and upcoming star.

Here is where you can find on the web.



* Quote from an excerpt from new promotional material of “Dance of the Goddess,” cd.