Crafting Articles

WitchCrafting: Treasure Chest 

Merry meet! 

Dollar Tree is a magical place for finding magickal supplies. One of my favorite five-quarter finds is a small wooden box with a clasp. 

I painted this one to make a treasure chest for the dragon on my bus. Every day I’d sit with her I would add another bauble to her collection. 

I painted another brown and used it to hold offerings I made to the land on which a friend’s house will be built. I will use a third for a banishing spell – I will put the name or likeness of a negative influence, harmful habit, limiting belief, or toxic person I want to eliminate from my life inside along with some herbs such as cayenne pepper and hyssop, and maybe a sigil, then burn it in a fire pit. 

Paint, markers, stickers, glitter, and other crafting materials can be used to customize a box to align with your intentions. With so many ways to use them, I keep two or three on hand, even with limited space in my skoolie,. 

Merry part and merry meet again. 

About the author:
As an eclectic solitary practitioner, I travel the country in a converted school bus and share magick with those I meet. Find me at and on Facebook.