• Crafting Articles

    In the Kitchen with Skarlett – To Your Health!!

    With the wear and tear of the Holidays behind us and a long, cold (at least in the northern hemisphere) winter ahead of us. We will be most likely up against the dreaded cold and flu season. Now would be a good time to focus on a bit of rest and self care to get you through to Spring. Do keep in mind that these practices are no replacement for professional medical help. But used in concert with sensible medical care, these should help provide relief and healing. There are several deities you can call on to aid you in healing. The big one being Brighid. Her festival of Imbolc…

  • Crafting Articles

    The Kitchen Witch – Salmon-Topped Dinner Salad

    Salmon-Topped Dinner Salad   This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite things to eat lately. I love salads anyway – I eat a salad every day, whether it’s a salad for my lunch or a small salad to accompany a larger meal or maybe a fruit salad for a dessert or just a snack! And I maintain that there is no right way to make a salad – the only correct way is the way that is going to make you enjoy eating it. You and whomever you invite to share in this culinary joy. You start with a piece of salmon. I buy the big pack of…