Crafting Articles

WitchCrafting (Spells for the Craft): Pagan Patches 

Merry meet! 

This month’s WitchCrafting column is about something I have dreamed of doing for twenty years and I am now facing the fact I never will … so I’m passing along the idea in the hopes that someday someone somewhere will run with it – Pagan patches. 

When I was a newbie witch, I’d get excited when I’d “master” another skill. I found myself thinking a badge like those I earned in Girl Scouts would be so cool. I envisioned them for things like working with crystals, tarot, the elements, candle magic, and making my first spell jar. I thought about ones for each of the sabbats I celebrated and the group rituals we did at the beach on full moons. I thought to add in symbols for my spirit animals as well as for my sun, moon, and rising signs. You can find some that are pentacles, the Tree of Life, the witch’s knot, and perhaps a unicorn, but not a broom, Brigid’s cross, or a Book of Shadows. 

Because everyone’s path is different, I thought seeing these images worn by other witches would help illuminate their gifts, interests, and experiences, perhaps attracting like-minded pagans and providing conversation starters at gatherings. A bottle of mead, herbs, incense, a faery door, bones, a wand – and so many more images come to time. 

I thought these badges could be worn along the hem or center opening of a ritual cape or robe, on fabric much like a liturgical stole, covering a shawl, or even decorating a hat. They could also decorate an altar cloth and come in the form of buttons, pins, or charms. 

Let me know if you run with this so I can be your first customer.

Merry part and merry meet again. 

About the author:
All my life I have known magic was real.
As an eclectic solitary practitioner, I travel the country in a converted school bus and share magick with those I meet. Find me at and on Facebook.