• Crafting Articles

    WitchCrafting (Spells for the Craft): Pagan Patches 

    Merry meet!  This month’s WitchCrafting column is about something I have dreamed of doing for twenty years and I am now facing the fact I never will … so I’m passing along the idea in the hopes that someday someone somewhere will run with it – Pagan patches.  When I was a newbie witch, I’d get excited when I’d “master” another skill. I found myself thinking a badge like those I earned in Girl Scouts would be so cool. I envisioned them for things like working with crystals, tarot, the elements, candle magic, and making my first spell jar. I thought about ones for each of the sabbats I celebrated…

  • Gods & Goddesses

    Good God!: Sucellus

    One of the gods that fits well with Mabon is Sucellus (also known as Sucellos), the god of wine and crops – two main components of many Mabon celebration feasts. Although originally a Celtic god of agriculture, forests, fertility, and of alcoholic drinks of the Gauls, his cult flourished with the Gallo-Romans and in Britain. The Encyclopaedia Britannica refers to him as “a humble but powerful guardian … protecting and blessing marginalized communities” which included the working class. “He was seen as the guardian of crops, ensuring their growth and protection from harm.” Sucellus was depicted as a robust bearded man of middle age, carrying a large mallet and sometimes…