• Reviews

    Book Review: Radical Self-Care

    Title: Radical Self-Care: Rituals for Inner Resilience Author: Rebecca Moore Publisher: Leaping Hare Press Date: July 9, 2024 Pages: 144    In “Radical Self-Care,” Rebecca Moore offers forty of her go-to rituals for self-care to counter stress and negativity, avoid burnout, and build a reserve of inner resilience. She shares her own story of burnouts, and offers tips and cautions. Each of the eight chapters addresses a topic. Moore introduces the theme that is followed by five rituals to bring about the desired outcome. Each technique, practice, and exercise has a quote, a short narrative, and clear step-by-step instructions. Simple line drawings and tranquil photographs contribute to an overall feeling…

  • Monthly Columns

    Weyland’s Whey Mabon 2024 Column

    Mabon Sometimes considered a minor sabbat (as opposed to major ones Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain), celebrations can vary widely between Wiccan Trads.  Inspirations have been drawn from the American Thanksgiving and the German Oktoberfest, among others. Mabon can be observed in various ways, but the focus is usually on themes of balance, or the second harvest angle.  I’m big on lists, so I’ll tout a gratitude inventory.  Scribble down whatever you’re thankful for.  Your health, your family, your home.  Tack that list up on the wall where you can eyeball it every day.  And feel free to add to it often! Sources: Learn Religions, the busy pagan, and Wikipedia.…