Weyland’s Whey Mabon 2024 Column
Sometimes considered a minor sabbat (as opposed to major ones Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain), celebrations can vary widely between Wiccan Trads. Inspirations have been drawn from the American Thanksgiving and the German Oktoberfest, among others.
Mabon can be observed in various ways, but the focus is usually on themes of balance, or the second harvest angle. I’m big on lists, so I’ll tout a gratitude inventory. Scribble down whatever you’re thankful for. Your health, your family, your home. Tack that list up on the wall where you can eyeball it every day. And feel free to add to it often!
Sources: Learn Religions, the busy pagan, and Wikipedia.
MUSIC Review
Mabon Queen~Autumn Equinox Chant. Flora Ware, with Heidi McCurdy. From Flora Ware’s album Songs for the Wheel of the Year.
Well done! Google the video!
Words To Aspire To
“I really love writing, recording and performing. I don’t look at this as work.”
–Jeff Lorber, composer.
Home on the Strange
Sparkle, home from the supermarket: Here are the crayons you wanted.
Weyland: Thanks, hon. Now I can start in on my coloring book.
Sparkle makes a face: At your age? Why?
Weyland: I’m training myself to be ambidextrous. I can already eat and write with my left hand, now I want to be able to draw too.
Sparkle rolls her eyes: You can’t write left handed–
Weyland looks offended: I do it all the time!
Sparkle: You can’t do it right handed either.
Weyland: Huh?
Sparkle: Wey, you write like you have no thumbs. Nobody can read it. Even you have trouble!
Weyland pouts: I’m a victim of the public schools.
Sparkle: Don’t blame your teachers, I’m sure they suffered enough.
Weyland Smith is a columnist for PaganPages.com.
And his handwriting is ghastly.
His printing doesn’t win any awards either….