
)0( Nov ’09 Moon Report )0(


“The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas.” -Alfred Noyes, The Highwayman

Full Moon NOV  2 11:14 am*

Full moons occur from fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Full moons are prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, divination. Any workings that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healing for serious conditions, can be done now. Also, full moons aide work for love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money, divination, and dreams. It is said that full moon magic is like a white candle — all purpose.
Full moon magic can be conjured during the 3 days prior to the rise of the full moon, the night of the full moon and during the 3 days after.

Last Quarter NOV  9  7:56 am*

Between the full moon and the dark moon is the period of waning moon. The waning moon is best used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing can be performed at this time. Saging your home is a great idea during this time.

From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon.The waning moon is used for banishing magic, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

New Moon NOV 16 11:14 am*

The new moon is for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also a good time for love and romance, health or job hunting, anything that is for personal growth, healing and blessing of new projects or ventures. The new moon is also a good time to cleanse and consecrate new tools and objects you wish to use during rituals, ceremonies or an up coming festival or something you just obtained. Some people call the new moon the dark moon and the terms are often interchangeably used.

New moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after.

First Quarter NOV 24  1:39 pm*

The first quarter, called the waxing moon is best used for attraction and constructive magic, love spells, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck, and healing energy.

Between the new and full moon from seven to fourteen days is a period of the waxing moon.

November’s Full Moon

The full moon in November is called many different names throughout the world including: Snow Moon, Dark Moon, Fog Moon, Beaver Moon, Mourning Moon, Blotmonath Moon(sacrifice) Herbistamanoth Moon (harvest) Mad Moon, Moon of Storms, Moon When Deer Shed Antlers.

)0( November Celebrations )0(

There are several moon celebrations throughout November,  among these:

Nov 3 The last day of Isia in Egypt- the rebirth of Osiris.

Nov 6 The birthday of Timat in Babylon

Nov 8 The Fuigo Matsuri, goddess of the Kitchen Range, in Japan, a Shinto festival honoring Inari/Hettsui

Nov 10 Kali Puji in India (in October on some calendars)


“My child, you need not know much in order to please Me.
Only Love Me dearly.
Speak to me, as you would talk to your mother,
if she had taken you in her arms.”

Nov 9-10 Night of Nicnecin in Scotland

Nov 11 Feast of Einheriar (fallen warriors) Norse (check out Boudicca Andarta‘s Hero article for lots of information on this:  https://paganpages.org/emagazine/tag/heroes/)

Nov 15 The Shichigosan (seven-five-three day) for safety of children of these ages in Japan, in India Children’s day, in Rome, the Feronia.

Nov 16 night of Hecate in Greece (begining at sunset,) This is the night of Hecate’s supper and animals were sacrificed in honor of Her. Festival of Bast in Egypt

Festival of Bast

Herodotus describes the ‘Festival of Bast’ (Bubastis) and, it’s no wonder it was such a popular festival…”When the people are on their way to Bubastis, they go by river, a great number in every boat, men and women together. Some of the women make a noise with rattles, others play flutes all the way, while the rest of the women, and the men, sing and clap their hands. As they travel by river to Bubastis, whenever they come near any other town they bring their boat near the bank; then some of the women do as I have said, while some shout mockery of the women of the town; others dance, and others stand up and lift their skirts. They do this whenever they come alongside any riverside town. But when they have reached Bubastis, they make a festival with great sacrifices, and more wine is drunk at this feast than in the whole year besides. It is customary for men and women (but not children) to assemble there to the number of seven hundred thousand, as the people of the place say.” – Herodotus, Histories Book II Chap 60

Nov 24 Feast of Burning Lamps in Egypt for Isis and Osiris

Nov 27 Day of Parvati-Devi, Triple Goddesses Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Kali

Nov 29-30 Day of Hecate of the Crossroads in Greece, the Dark Moon. Skadi among the Norse, Day of Mawu, African creatress of the universe from chaos.

Day of Hecate of the Crossroads

“Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, hear my cry,
Protect and guard me under your midnight sky.
Hecate Phosphoros ‘she who brings the light,’
Hecate Trevia bless me with your wisdom tonight.” – Written by Ellen Dugan


*John Mosley from the Griffith Observatory and is set to Pacific standard time.





Moon Magick by D.J. Conway

The Book of the Moon by Tom Folley


