Bad Witch’s Guide
The Bad Witch’s Guide to Love Spells
I am a bad witch. There are a long list of reasons why I am a bad witch. Having been out of the broom closet for some considerable number of years I would on occasion get asked “but you’re a good witch though?” My response to that depending on the person asking but I found I started to say “yes, a very, very good witch” rather darkly as it usually got the point across.
Good witches will either hand you a love spell without blinking or warn you off them completely. I however, am not a good witch.
The warnings are not without good reason. Love is a power thing. An energy and force that can move mountains. In messing around with this you might miss the BIG one/s. There is a real difference to being “in love” and actual love. In love is chemical attraction, a dizzy connection, an awakening. This always fades, but can also wax again. Real love, real connection is deeper than that and born out of respect and loyalty.
Most love spells are not actually about love, which is probably because most folks wanting a love spell, don’t actually want love either. Most love spells are about lust, loneliness and power games. That doesn’t mean something real cannot develop from a lust spell. Sex is fun and healthy after all. However problems really arise when they are done “in house” with a relationship. I have known wives desperate to stop their husbands cheating resorting to magick. It kept the marriage together for two more agonising years before blowing up.
No amount of magick can make someone really love you.
I have seen folks do magick consciously (and not) to draw the same kind of “wrong” or and over again. Sometimes they ask for “a Viking” or “a sexy Scorpio” and they get caught in this web of magick and cannot seem to easily free themselves. “Isn’t this exactly what you asked for” the Gods seem to say.
This can make people even swear off magick all together (as though it was its fault for your terrible taste!)
“OMGdd you’re so judgey!”
Sometimes I am. I have done my share too of pushing on a pull door. In fact it is how I sort of met my husband. I was in a terrible relationship (I had been in it for nearly three and a half years) and I wrote a love spell (with the intention of fixing my relationship), however what I asked for was “my true love”. With six weeks I had moved out and was seeing my now husband of 16 years. I do wonder sometimes if I hadn’t done the spell would everything had happened so fast? I was married and a mum by 22 years old. I wouldn’t “undo” it. Yet it might have been good to have taken things slower!
However, no matter how weird or unlikely there tends to be strange jigsaw pieces that fit together and the world seems to conspire to put them in each other’s path.
So what makes a “good” love spell?
Well firstly sometimes you are the worst person to know what you actually need. Have a little faith, and ask for something good for you, something happy. What someone looks like might seem important but someone to hold your hand during your Dad’s funeral and actually make you feel better is far more important. A good love spell is about letting go of how you think it will be. If you are too hung up of that your truest love could walk straight past you because you were stubbornly clinging to this idea of a “type”. Some good therapy and an honest look to what you are calling to you helps. You really want your love to turn up will you are carrying enough emotional baggage to sink the Titanic? Are you loving (or at least trying) to love yourself, find your own worthiness? If someone loves you, can you accept that love, can you be loved graciously and love in return?
My True Loves Call
One red rose
One white rose
Ribbon (either pink, red or white)
Three candles (tea-lights are fine)
A dish or bowl of water
A pinch of powdered cinnamon.
A pink stone (rose quartz would be fine).
Place the bowl in the middle of the candles forming and equilateral triangle. Take a good sharp knife and cut the roses vertically in half. Take the “good half’s” and set aside. Light the candles and carefully add the rose petals from the other halves into the bowl saying.
“I call to you through time and space, my true love, come and find your place.”
Slowly add the petals a little from each at a time. Sit with the pink stone in your hand or over your heart. Imagine you love someone romantically (don’t visualise a specific person) and imagine opening your heart and filling the stone with the light, a warm pink loving light. Imagine as you breath out you are radiating love and as you breath in accepting it gently. When you have done this for a few minutes add the stone to the bowl of water saying.
“I shine with love, kind and true, my true love, I am ready for you.”
Add a pinch of cinnamon to the bowl and to the cut halves of the “good” roses now and say.
“With passion, with kindness, with love, as below so above.”
Carefully but firmly bind the rose halves together with the ribbon.
“I call through all space and time, my true love, a love Divine.
Your love is kind and true, you are ready for as I am for you.
We shall share, and love and grow; as above, so below.”
Sit with the candles and the bowl some time and extinguish the candle before leaving the bowl overnight. Burn the candles until burned out and keep the crystal in your pocket or with you for the next lunar month. Reserve a small bottle of the water and throw away the rest into running water. Keep the roses in a vase somewhere you can see them until they fade and then untie them and throw them in running water like a river or stream.
Love is a beautiful and mysterious thing but relationships take compromise, compassion and hard work. Be someone worth spending time with, and make sure you find someone worthy of you.