Weyland’s Whey, Grey Strega Interview, Part One, November 14th, 2024
Last Father’s Day, my girlfriend Sparkle arranged Tarot card readings for us. I was very impressed with her choice of oracle–Cyn is great! But don’t take my word for it–see for yourself!
The Frequency of Divinity, Part One
1. Wey: You utilize a unique (at least unique to me) Tarot spread for readings. Is it your own design?
Grey Strega (Cyn): The spread I use most frequently for life path readings is an expansion of the standard Celtic Cross spread. However, the spread itself acts as a base in my readings: each reading tends to develop into a custom spread that evolves through intuition, connection with the querent, and channel
2: Are you psychic or empathic?
I believe everyone is psychic to varying degrees: it’s how the gifts express themselves that is unique. I identify as claircognizant, which means “clear knowing”. When I read, I receive insights from a nondenominational, divine frequency I have come to recognize as a source of truth. I consider myself not the source of this information, but as a conduit of these insights. I believe the potential for this connection lies within every individual, and in my classes and work through the TAROT CHURCH MOVEMENT, I strive to share this gift and ability with my students.
3: How did you learn all this?
I learned to read the tarot from my mother, a talented reader in her own right. I have been playing with the cards since I was a child but began to seriously study and learn the decks properly around the age of fourteen. I never intended to become a tarot reader as a career path: I refer to it as a “calling” because the work is such that others have sought me out to read to such an extent that I finally had to make the choice to provide it as a service I offered and is now my full-time profession.
4: Do you shield yourself during readings? (Psychic shielding.)
It’s important when I read that I do everything possible to keep myself open to receive what is being delivered. Channeling the frequency I read for provides its own unique energetic protection.
5: Have you ever been frightened by what you saw during a reading?
Fear dwells in places where there is no compassion, and I believe it is the responsibility of those who work in spiritual spaces to develop the emotional resilience necessary not to be frightened by what is encountered by them. That said, I’ve seen things within readings that are sad, frustrating, and at times upsetting. I consider it my responsibility to help guide the client through such circumstances with compassion and recognition, as frequently things shown to me in this way are often meant to communicate the efforts of the individual navigating through such difficulties, by way of it being shown to me.
6: Do you do your own personal readings for yourself?
It is not frequent that I pull cards for myself; if I do, it’s usually to get clarification on a message I am trying to interpret. I do get readings from other tarot readers: I often tell my students that the two most difficult people to do a tarot reading with are those you share a personal connection with, or one’s own self. So I will on occasion get readings from those who I trust to gain further clarification on what I myself am receiving.
7: Any contact info you would like to share?
You can find me across the following social channels (You Tube/TikTok/Instagram/Threads) at @greystrega. I offer a free Collective Energy Update daily across my social media channels that gives information on the pathwork and lessons being experienced by energy within the divine union frequency, moving into divine union, and in separation. This can be watched live each day on my Tik Tok (@greystrega) and are also available as a podcast via my Substack: greystrega.substack.com. I post a column on my Substack called “Mystic Meditations” wherein I do my best to provide a summary of what I have channeled over the course of the month’s readings, as well as a weekly newsletter that gives information on in-person events and my live schedule. I also have a monthly tarot class program that is run through my Substack. Paid subscribers to my Substack have access to each month’s live classes, as well as class recordings and course materials of previous classes. Founding members to my Substack not only receive a discount on the full year’s worth of classes, but also receive a complimentary mentorship reading with me to access where they are on their personal tarot journey to help broaden and utilize the classes to the best of their advantage going forward.