Good God!: Sucellus
One of the gods that fits well with Mabon is Sucellus (also known as Sucellos), the god of wine and crops – two main components of many Mabon celebration feasts. Although originally a Celtic god of agriculture, forests, fertility, and of alcoholic drinks of the Gauls, his cult flourished with the Gallo-Romans and in Britain. The Encyclopaedia Britannica refers to him as “a humble but powerful guardian … protecting and blessing marginalized communities” which included the working class. “He was seen as the guardian of crops, ensuring their growth and protection from harm.” Sucellus was depicted as a robust bearded man of middle age, carrying a large mallet and sometimes…
Book Review: 2025 Moon Goddess Diary
Title: 2025 Moon Goddess Diary: Northern Hemisphere Author: Nicci Garaicoa Illustrator: Olivia Bürki Publisher: Rockpool Publishing Release Date: June 4, 2024 Pages: 160 This self-care workbook guides readers through 2025 with a paragraph about each new and full moon. Inspirational messages, rituals, songs, and exercises scattered throughout the days assist in aligning with nature, sometimes incorporating crystals, essential oils, and affirmations. A goddess each month offers channeled guidance, love, and power. There are quarterly toolkits with information and five pages of prompts reminding readers to pause before the start of a new cycle, to be extra brave meeting the coming changes, and to choose one of the three goddesses…
Book Review: Wyrd Sisters Deck Of Spells and Rituals
Title: Wyrd Sisters: A Deck of Spells and Rituals Author and Artist: Casey Zabala Publisher: Weiser Books Release Date: April 8, 2024 Pages: 60 Cards and 80-Page Guidebook The deck and guidebook in this box make up a grimoire to inspire witches to make their own magic. There are cards with spells for things like sacred guidance and drawing down the moon, and cards using candles to create such energies as compassion and creativity. Other cards work with sigils and tools. Each has its own page in the guidebook giving insights, actions, and choices that are jumping off points for crafting personal rituals and spells. What makes this oracle…
Book Review: The Way of The Wild Soul Woman
Title: The Way of The Wild Soul Woman: 5 Earth Archetypes to Unleash Your Full Feminine Power Author: Mary Reynolds Thompson Publisher: Findhorn Press Release Date: May 14, 2024 Pages: 352 With Mother Earth archetypes, personal stories, introspective journal prompts, explorative exercises, accounts of trail blazers, and rituals, Mary Reynolds Thompson takes women on a journey to connect to the wild, powerful forces of nature. I found myself nodding, underlining, and rereading passages as her words spoke about the landscapes and cycles I have encountered in this lifetime. Much of the book resonated with me, sweeping way lingering doubts about my feminine power and shedding light on ways to heal…
Good God!: Kalfu
Kalfu (also Kalfou or Carrefour) is the Haitian Vodou God of Intersections. His name literally means “the crossroads,” which is the point where four roads emerge or two paths cross. It is also the point where magic manifests, where choices are made, and fates are forged. He is thought of as “the devil at the crossroads.” a terrifying god, a red demonic beast equated with Saten. One of their most powerful gods, Kalfu allows or denies spirits to cross into the real world “with an understanding into the nature of chaos and creation, good and misfortune, and injustices,” according to Wikipedia. Although other spirits know him, he often remains a…
SpellCrafting: Money Rice
With the land lush and green in the Northeast, it felt like a good time to make a batch of green money rice. I got the idea from a video posted by Witch the Raven on TikTok and was waiting for the right time. July’s dark moon in Cancer after heavy rains that left the world smelling rich and earthy was that time. To make it, put dry rice in a bowl, add green food coloring and stir to coat. To that, Witch the Raven added salt, basil, cinnamon, and chamomile. After mixing, she added patchouli essential oil and stirred again. When I made mine, I forgot all about the…
Good God! – Helios
Helios is the Greek god of the sun and solar activity. A second-generation Titan, he was the son of Hyperion and Theia; his two sisters were Eos (the Dawn) and Selene (the Moon). Helios lived in a golden palace at the end of the earth. Each morning Eos would create the dawn in the East, making way for her brother to drive his golden chariot across the sky, pulled by four fire-breathing (sometimes winged) horses – one of the most recognizable images in Greek art. When he reached the West, he hid in a golden goblet on earth that carried him back to the East while Selene would begin her…
WitchCrafting: Dandelion Honey
Few flowers look as much like the sun as do dandelions. With Litha being a time to honor sun deities and celebrate the bounty of the earth, these bright flowers can do both and are quite likely growing in your yard or a nearby field. Be sure the ones you pick are not from lawns treated with chemicals and did not absorb exhaust fumes by being close to the road. There are many recipes online. I used one by Megan on Tic Tok. Fill a bowl or basket with dandelion flowers. Pull off just the the petals and discard the bitter green outside. It took me about an hour to…
Witch Hunt: Meet PJ Jones
PJ was the first to host my skoolie in her driveway. We met through a mutual friend years ago and have shared many adventures. She has the witchiest house I have ever been in. There are brooms, cauldrons, candles, plants, statues, bells, pentacles, crystals, books, crafts, and cats everywhere. Her altars are large, elaborate, and pulsing with energy. Outside is just as magickal. PJ loves working with nature and crafting with natural items, especially at Yule – always taking only what has fallen. Learn more about her as she answers these thirteen questions. 1. Do you have a magical name you’re willing to share? I do have a magical name but…
SpellCrafting: Return to Sender Mirror Spell
I was feeling overwhelmed and helpless in the face of the actions of a handful of white men in power who are bringing about death, destruction, pain, fear, and hate. Then I remembered I am a witch with powers I was not using. After considering a number of spells, I settled on a return to sender spell using a mirror. I chose a compact with mirrors on both halves. That the one I found at a dollar store happened to be blue turned was a bonus because blue is associated with West, which I associate with water, cleansing, love, and healing. Blue is also a color associated with Kali Ma,…