Book Review – The Magic of Cats by Andrew Anderson
Book Review The Magic of Cats by Andrew Anderson Illustrated by Hannah Willow Publisher: Moon Books 120 Pages Release Date: May 1, 2023 Cats are magical. There’s no two ways around that. Dogs are great – I love dogs, I’ve owned dogs and I miss the dogs I used to own, especially my beloved yellow lab Lucy – but dogs are pedestrian, ordinary, almost run-of-the-mill. Cats have a whole ‘nother vibe and it’s not too far out there to say that vibe is magic. There have always been cats in my life. My grandmother had a gorgeous calico cat named Pansy who lived to be eighteen…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: Artio and Artaois – A Journey Toward the Celtic Bear Gods by Andrew Anderson
Book Review Pagan Portals: Artio and Artaois A Journey Toward the Celtic Bear Gods by Andrew Anderson Publisher: Moon Books 120 Pages Publication Date: July 1, 2021 Andrew Anderson’s Artio and Artaois – A Journey Toward the Celtic Bear Gods is tour de force exploring ancient European bear worship – Arctolatry – from the Neolithic through its echoes in the twenty-first century. After meeting an ancient she-bear spirit when he invokes a guardian for his home, he discovers she is Artio, a Celtic Bear Goddess, and follows her trail through Europe and the United Kingdom on a pilgrimage in search of her roots and worship. During his journey, he…