Book Review and Interview – Witchcraft Unchained by Craig Spencer
Book Review Witchcraft Unchained: Exploring the History and Traditions of British Craft Written by Craig Spencer Publisher: Crossed Crow Books 243 Pages Release Date: June 22, 2023 Bright Blessings, readers, When I saw this book was available to review, I jumped at it, and before I could say “thank you”, my editor sent it to me. Why did I specifically want to review this book? Because it is rare – rarer than rare. Today, few care about the history of the craft. Most pagans and witches want spell-books instead of learning about the roots of our craft. Some of us witches do want to learn, so…
Book Review – A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland’s Gospel of the Witches-Aradia by Craig Spencer
Book Review A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland’s Gospel of the Witches-Aradia by Craig Spencer 240 Pages A Modern Guide to Charles Godfrey Leland’s Gospel of the Witches-Aradia by Craig Spencer is a fresh version of timeless material first published in 1899. Mr. Spencer had his work cut out for him in updating this classic by Charles Godfrey Leland that gives the view of Italian Folk magic as told to him by hereditary Italian witches. The book is separated into two parts. Part One: The Gospel and the Revelations, contains the sections of Leland’s original work with the “Revelations” offered by the author as commentary. Part Two:…