• Monthly Columns

    The Gifts of the Solstice to Connect with the Animal Allies

    (Image: Robert Kaufman)   Seeking our Animal Allies We are filled with great anticipation for welcoming the Light of the Solstice, the promise of increasingly warmer days and the promise of Spring’s grace. Solstice is also a wonderful time of opportunity to connect to those energies and beings that stand with shining eyes in the darkened forest, seas and air. These gentle and fierce creatures are ready to support our work in all of our endeavors. I would like to share with you a pathworking written a few years ago and one that I have had requested many times. Join me on a journey through the gates of the elemental…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Chakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds by Glen Park

    Book Review Chakra Healing Therapy Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds by Glen Park 312 Pages     … In this journey through the chakras, we have seen unfolding the theory that we live in a conscious intelligent universe. Ultimately, at our highest and deepest level, the converse is also true; a conscious intelligent universe lives in us. We are in essence an expression of the pure divine energy of the universe…1. Chakra Healing Therapy: Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds by Glen Park is written from the perspective of serving a broad audience of readers ranging from those who work primarily with the Chakra system for spiritual…

  • Monthly Columns


    Creating Sacred Space   The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”: where the sacred Manifests itself in space, the real unveils itself, and the world comes into existence … Mircea Eliade … What is Sacred Space? Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna: Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl

    Book Review The Seven Elemental Forces Of Huna Practices for Tapping into the Energies of Nature from Hawaiian Tradition by Susanne Weikl 228 Pages     When I studied Huna decades ago, I learned about the three bodies and the seven principles. In this book, Susanne Weikl presents the seven elements of nature from the ancient Hawaiian shamanic tradition. These forces are sources of power “to bring fulfillment, incentive, inspiration, growth, healing and ease into our lives.” These energies are primordial and powerful, and are at work in our DNA, she states. The book offers exercises, rituals and techniques to recognize and tap into the energies of water, fire, wind,…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit by Amy Blackthorn

    Book Review Sacred Smoke Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit by Amy Blackthorn 176 Pages     Throughout time people have embraced their sense of smell in new and exciting ways, using delicate flowers, plants and resins to uplift them and open their eyes to the world and the universe.1 Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit is a book that you will return to over and over again for sharing, learning and crafting powerful natural magick. Don’t let the size of the book fool you into thinking that there is not enough material. The best magick is accomplished with the…

  • Reviews

    Book Review -Pagan Portals Series: Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson

    Book Review Pagan Portals Series: Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson     “I think sometimes as a witch the moon tends to get pride of place and the sun perhaps takes a back seat? But it is an incredibly powerful source of natural energy and magic.” 1. Sun Magic by Rachel Patterson provides a fresh perspective on putting the Sun and solar energies into the same place of interest and mystery that the moon has typically held in practicing the craft. The book reads easily and is parceled out into bite-size pieces. The contents read like a table of correspondences for the sun and each chapter is only a few…