Book Review – Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life by Sharon Black
Book Review Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life Written by Sharon Black Illustrated by Natalie Eslick Publisher: New World Library 320 Pages Release Date: November 29, 2022 In our society, old is more likely equated to deterioration and illness than to gifted and wise. By design, elderhood ends in death, making both unpleasant topics for many people. Thankfully, Sharon Blackie is not one of them. Sharing her own life journey in “Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life,” www.hagitude.org, she explores women’s transformation beginning with perimenopause, through the “hot-flashed fury” of menopause, and crossing the threshold to crone. “Our old women are the dark heart…
A Talk with Sharon Blackie, Author of Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life
Sharon Blackie, PhD, is an award-winning writer of fiction and nonfiction, and a psychologist who has specialized in neuroscience, narrative, mythology, and Celtic studies. Her unique approach to working with myth, fairy tales, and folklore highlights the insights these traditions can offer us for authentic and meaningful ways of being. Her work has been published extensively in professional journals and consumer media, and she offers workshops and seminars worldwide and online. She lives in Wales, UK. More information at SharonBlackie.net and www.Hagitude.org Q: Why do elder women matter? What do they have to offer in today’s challenged and challenging world? Sharon Blackie: In our more distant…