• Reviews

    Book Review – The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire by Denise Alvarado

    Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire cover

    Book Review The Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire by Denise Alvarado Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser 240 Pages Release Date: February 5, 2024 “Alvarado skillfully uses Laveau as a conduit to bring to life voodoo’s rich history (she takes particular care to examine its West African roots) and modern applications. This bewitching compendium is ideal for those seeking to expand their magical horizons.” —Publishers Weekly Marie Laveau is known as the Queen of New Orleans Voodoo and is remembered and honored by pagans from all backgrounds and beliefs. As a hoodoo practitioner and rootworker, I was excited to get this book.  Author Denise Alvarado is very upfront about how she put this book…

  • Monthly Columns


    Meet the Gods: Papa Legba     Papa Legba is a lao – a spirit in Haitian and Louisiana Voudou – acting as an intermediary between humans and Bondye, the creator god considered to be unknowable to mortals. For that reason, spiritual work is done with the loa much like with angels or saints, however sources indicate they want to be fed and honored before being asked for help. Papa Legba guards the spiritual crossroads. Because he speaks all languages and has the gift of elocution, he can translate human petitions and decide which to deliver to the loa.     He has evolved from his origins in Dahomey, a…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – The Magic of Marie Laveau: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans by Denise Alvarado

    Book Review The Magic of Marie Laveau Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans by Denise Alvarado 224 Pages     The legendary former Voodoo Queen is the most anticipated stop on ghost tours, has had books written about her, is the subject of songs and is a character in “American Horror Story.” Although Marie Laveau (1801-1881) shaped New Orleans Voudou as well as Hoodoo and Conjure practices internationally, there is not one photograph of her. While much has been written, Denise Alvarado chose to focus on Laveau’s magical and spiritual legacy. Alvarado is “a born and bred in New Orleans Creole, a cultural anthropologist as…

  • Reviews

    Book Review – Divination Conjure Style: Reading Cards, Throwing Bones and Other Forms of Household Fortune-Telling by Starr Casas

    Book Review Divination Conjure Style Reading Cards, Throwing Bones and Other Forms of Household Fortune-Telling by Starr Casas 256 Pages     Conjure magic is not my thing. Nor is Hoodoo or Voodoo or Santeria – I don’t come from these cultures – so I don’t practice these religions anymore than I practice Islam or Hinduism or Evangelical Christianity. However, I love reading about any religion and their practices and finding the commonalities that many religions – and cultures – possess. Because as different as all religions are, they are all very much alike in many basic ways. And – as a person who will try any kind of divinatory…

  • Monthly Columns

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times

    Celebrating the Old Ways in New Times for November 2019 Bright Blessings! Our Final Harvest Sabbat is upon us, and if you are like me, you have a LITTLE bit of gardening left to do! For me, it is planting a tiny bit of bulbs and a little basic cleanup. A big job I have is learning organic pest control for my roses for next year. This year, I decided I am flat out DONE with chemical pest control, and I got rid of all of it. I was told that dish soap with a touch of oil mixed with water kills everything on roses, but you know what? It…