Wiccan Basics
The Sun and the Moon
These are dramatic moments for magicians.
Many natural magicians use the suggestive power of an eclipse to fuel spells involving banishments, unlike in the past, when magicians were urged not to perform magick during eclipses.
Some may wait months for the sun to enter the proper sign of the Zodiac.
This is fine for major workings but unrealistic for working everyday magick.
However, there are other solar cycles worth following…
SUNRISE: As light stretches out from the eastern horizon. When the Night runs from the Day. This is an excellent time to perform rituals involving purification, business success, study, employment, travel, releasing guilt & jealousy, healing diseases, & the conscious mind.
NOON: When the sun shines far above at full strength. This is a time for that which involves magickal energy, physical energy & strength, protection, money & courage.
SUNSET: The sun run from the dark, this signals the time for breaking addictions, weight-loss, banishing misery & pain, transforming anguish & negative habits.
NIGHT: This slow and sleepy time is for beauty, dreams, psychic awareness, spirituality, sleep, sex, love, friendships, peace, and releasing stress.
It waxes & wanes each month, rising an hour or so later during each twenty-four hour period. When it is full, it rises as the sun sets.
There are different types of spells performed at the different phases of the moon.
The Moon’s phases & the types of magick appropriate to them are:
WAXING MOON: (From New to Full) When the Moon is waxing it is a time for beginnings, health & healing, psychic awareness, beauty, fertility & all positive magickal workings.
FULL MOON: All positive magickal spells are performed beneath the potent glow of the Full Moon, including protection, love, healing, purification, psychic awareness, money & travel.
WANING MOON: (From Full to New) This is the time for banishments of habits, addictions, disease & negative thoughts. Jealousy, guilt, & hurts are released under the waning Moon. The old is swept away to make room for the new.
Blessing until next Month