HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch
Milestones: rituals for life’s moments MM and welcome to my kitchen. Come in, sit down and grab a cuppa something yummy while we chat. This month I would like to talk about milestones of life. These are the moments in your life that make a huge difference as well as some that are smaller but equally important. We all know the big ones; marriage, birth, death, but what about coming of age? What about Croning? These and some others are important as well. I am sharing some ritual ideas and plans for some of the life rituals that I have been involved in. First as I see it is the…
HearthBeats; Notes from a Kitchen Witch
Karma and our lives We as witches are very aware of Karma. Many of us follow the Rede which states” An it harm none, do as thy will”. But it says much more than that. It is a guideline for life, but it (or something like it) is essential as Karma does not care about what path you walk, what religion you follow or anything else. It only believes in the cosmic law… for every action there is an equal or greater reaction. Whatever you choose to put out into the world , in thought, word and deed, WILL COME BACK. Some believe that it may come back threefold. Seriously..…
HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch
Celtic Kitchen Magicks From all that I have read as well as lived,Celtic Magick is more a lifestyle than a religion. Celtic Magick is lived and breathed rather than planned and ritualed. There is constant daily emotional involvement; everything you do in your day has magickal intention. Numbers are very important as well. 3, 5, 7 and 9 are considered very mystical numbers. That being said, you should do in sets of 3, 5, 7 or 9. This trains the brain by repetition to focus your energy and your intention. One thing that makes Celtic Magick different is that it does not teach you that doing magick for yourself is…
Wiccan Basics
THE SEASONS The seasons have a powerful effect on us , but also, according to some Earth magicians, subtly affect magickal workings. Theses are the different types of magicks that could be preformed during the different seasons. SPRING: A time for healing; purification, spring cleaning of ones self as well as ones surroundings; psychic awareness; paying bills; fertility; planting magickal gardens; & ecological rituals. Air magick. SUMMER: A time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty, protection, courage, magickal energy, physical energy, & strength. Fire magick. AUTUMN: A time for money, employment, new possessions (including cars & homes). Water magick. WINTER: A time for banishments of disease, habits & addictions, seeking past…
HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch
Candles, Magick and everyday. We do not often think about candles when we light them. Well we do if we are lighting them for Ritual or for a spell. But what about outside of that? Candles are one of just a few links that we have with out ancestors. We do not think about the fact that candle have no race, religion or creed. Candles have meaning in just about every life, religion, race. We light candles for the magick of ritual, whatever the religion. We light then for the magick of romance. We light them for the magick of a simple birthday wish. We light them when we are…
Wiccan Basics
Learn to listen I recently watch a movie called “Eat, Pray, Love”. And in this movie there was an old Italian parable about the man who daily for most of his many years asked this Statue of a Saint the same thing… “Saint, Please let me win the Lottery. Then one day the statue comes to life and says to the old man “My son, Go by a lottery ticket.” This struck me again with how much we ask, of others, of God and Goddess, of the world around us. But how often do we take the time to listen for the answers? Too often we walk around thinking if…
Wiccan Basics
Basic Ritual It occurred to me there are people here out there who would not know where to start in performing a Ritual. This is a basic framework. Feel free to adapt and adjust to what you need as you grow and learn.. Set up your altar. Things that should be on it include:, candles, athame, wand, chalice, salt, water, , a pentacle, decorations that fit the time of year or Sabbat you are working with. Cleanse the area. Ritual cleansing Take a broom and stand in the area to be used as a sacred space. Close your eyes and visualize bright clear energy coming in the top of your…
HearthBeats: Ritual Writing Recipes from a Kitchen Witch
Merry Meet and welcome to my Hearth. This month I am going a little different and it may seem more like a notes than a recipes. But it is Titled “ Recipe for a good Ritual” The reason for this is that I have done food recipes, I have done flower recipes, I think I have even done a recipe for Happiness. But often when you are writing a spell or a ritual you find that you are stumped. So I am going to give you the “recipe” that I follow and you can use it, modify it, or throw it out. Just like any other recipe.. Being a Pagan,…
Wiccan Basics
The Sun and the Moon SOLAR & LUNAR ECLIPSES: These are dramatic moments for magicians. Many natural magicians use the suggestive power of an eclipse to fuel spells involving banishments, unlike in the past, when magicians were urged not to perform magick during eclipses. THE SUN Some may wait months for the sun to enter the proper sign of the Zodiac. This is fine for major workings but unrealistic for working everyday magick. However, there are other solar cycles worth following… SUNRISE: As light stretches out from the eastern horizon. When the Night runs from the Day. This is an excellent time to perform rituals involving purification, business success, study,…
Wiccan Basics
The Rede- Harm None Harm none. Short and to the point. That being the case, it’s a law we can live with. Besides, it’s easy enough to follow. Right? Well……. Seems like most applications should be fairly obvious… For example, not to do bodily harm, to ourselves or anyone else. Do not wish ill, manipulate, or deliberately hurt someone’s feelings. We even know better than to damage as we become successful. These things go without saying. But what about all the things we can’t know or control? Like how something we say might affect someone else. What if it is taken out of context, and angers them or brings on…