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    Wiccan Basics

    Creating a Book of Shadows The Book of Shadows is a combination cookbook and journal. In it you record your magical workings, the ingredients and methods you used, and how it worked. In this way you are able to learn from your magical experiences and build upon the successes you have. Over the course of time you add various information you acquire from other people, books, coven work and other sources and the book becomes a valuable reference.. It can be a spiral notebook, or an embossed calf hide bound collection of calligraphy on parchment, it’s up to you.. Traditionally the Book of Shadows or Grimoire was the record of…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Calling the Elements This is just one of many different calls… please feel free to create your own.. or just call from your heart. But until you know by heart .. find a simple one and use it.. it really does make things a bit easier Everyone stands and faces each direction as the Priestess calls in the Elementals…..or this is perfect for the solitary practitioner. Spirits of the Air! Blow gently in our Circle this night. Bring your gifts of great wisdom and truth. Carry upon Your currents Our thoughts and prayers! All Say: Come from the East, come, be with us now! Spirits of the Fire! Burn bright…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Basic Color Chart Black: Usually associated with the energy and ministerial figures, black stops gossiping, meddling people right in their tracks.  It’s also great for breaking bad habits, or for any work that involves separation, wisdom, secrets, or invoking the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess. Pale Blue: This shade goes a long way in relieving confusion, anxiety, and loss of control.  Try it for effects that involve calmness, peace, tranquility, healing, and pleasant dreams. Dark Blue: If you need to get organized and add some structure to you life, this is the color for you.  It’s also a wonderful hue for invoking the Water Element, or calling upon feminine…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Tools There is one important thing a you must remember….. tools do not make a Witch; A Witch makes the tools. Your tools are an extension of your  intent and a means for your  intent to continue when life demands your attention.. Desire, visualization and belief are a your tools of the soul and empower your Earthly tools. PENTACLE – The Pentagram, the five pointed star that represents all the elements and Spirit. It is one of the most powerful tools as it represents all you stand for in your Spiritual belief. It is worn for protection and empowerment, used in Ritual and spells and is one’s seal in magickal…

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    HearthBeats: Recipes from a Kitchen Witch

    With the Holidays coming on fast..this time of year is overloaded with food recipes.. So what I have done is put together some meal blessings and a Blessed Home recipe.. And I wish you all a Blessed Home and Hearth… Blessed Home recipe 3 cups of Love 4 spoonfuls of Hope 2 cups of Warmth 2 spoonfuls of Tenderness 1 cup of Forgiveness 1 cup of Friends 1 barrel of Laughter Combine Love & warmth, Mix thoroughly with tenderness. Add Forgiveness and Blend with friends & Hope. Sprinkle in all remaining tenderness. Stir in a generous amount of  laughter. Bake with Forgiveness, Say God/dess’s blessings over it. Gather up a handful…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Pagan Terminology Adept A person that has become highly proficient in a particular magickal art(s) through dedication, much study, and practice. Akasha What some deem the fifth Element, Spirit. It is the ever-present spiritual energy inherent in all parts of the universe. It occupies the top point of the Pentacle and is considered the center of the Cardinal directions and their reference Elements. Akashic Records Allegedly, there is a vast collection of information somewhere that can be accessed for information such as magickal workings, past lives, healing abilities, ect. The records are accessed through using the mind to “tap into” universal energies, and the information is attained from there. Altar…

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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    Merry Meet and Blessings to you all… It is that time again… time to either be canning up all of our blessed harvest in the northern Hemi or if you live in the Southern Hemi fertilizing and weeding to take care or prepare for your tender shoots. Jams, jellies, and canned vegetables are canned or frozen for winter use. Or you are looking into the pantry to see what you need to plant for next winter stash. Extra necessities are also stockpiled in case of severe weather. For both Winter or Summer. Now is a good time in either Hemi to take just a moment to bless your own kitchen.…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Days of the week and the full moons Days & Months Days of the Week and The Full Moons Monday – represents the moon, Hectate rules, white and violet, cancer sign, spells for healing, psychic development, travel, visions, love, and home, Gather herbs on this morning, ylang ylang oil Tuesday – Mars, red, Sagittarius sign, spells for fire, energy, physical strengh, channeling spirits, and courage, rose oil Wednesday – Mercury, yellow and orange, Gemini and Virgo signs, spells on commerce and trade, knowledge, wisdom and divination, sandalwood oil. Thursday – Jupiter, blue, Aries and Scorpio signs, spell for prosperity, love, socail status, good fortune, tool concecration, business, violet oil Friday…

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    HearthBeats: Recipes from a Kitchen Witch

    Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors. The veil between here and Summerland is at it’s thinnest and we can commune and communicate with our loved ones who have moved on to the next phase of their lives.  It has become traditional to have a “dumb” supper. This is a meal that is eaten in silence by candle light. Each food can be as simple or as gourmet as you wish it to be. I like mostly simple made with foods from my garden or local farms. I will add the correspondences before the recipes. Symbols: Third Harvest, wisdom of the Crone, death of the God, reflection on our…

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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    Blessed be and welcome. Glad to see you here…Pull up a chair and grab a cuppa tea.. I have recently been reassessing my ideas about some thing and thinking very long on my definition of some thing.. Why?? Because I had someone send me a nastygram (well sort of) This person basically stated to me that it takes more than sending out some recipes and green ideas to be a kitchen witch. It takes spells and rituals that involve the kitchen and food. It takes chants and altars and candles.( I am not sending the whole nastygram) Well all I can say is WOW…REALLY.  So I have studied and talked…