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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    Merry Meet and welcome once again to my hearth. I was torn this month about what to write.  I try to create a magickal page that will make you think and challenge you to think outside the box; but this month and for a few months before I have been troubled by something. Something we all have been being hassled and troubled by… the economy. But this is a little different. Many of us, Pagans, Wiccans, Witches are having trouble with the economy because we sell our wares or talents and in these times of trouble less people seem to be buying then ever before. But I must say that…

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    HearthBeats: A Poem from a Kitchen Witch

    Merry Meet and welcome to my hearth. Grab a chair and a cuppa tea and sit with me a spell. I would like to share this is a poem I wrote a few years ago when I was trying to define myself and my life after a series of tragic event. I have taken it out to look at and realized this could be YOU. So I share this with you. Know that I share my heart and my pain. But also know that I love the me I am today.. and could add at least 5 more paragraphs to this as I have grown by leaps and bounds since…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Creating an Altar Your Altar is sacred space.  It is the center of your focus. That space between the worlds that you create, and where you do magical works. It is apart from the mundane, every day life of your household. In the Ideal world we would all have our personal ritual space where your altar would be set up all the time. But the reality is that we just do not have the space in our homes and apartments to do that. So even if you have to set your altar up on the coffee table and break it back down when you are done it is Sacred to…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Inviting in your Ancestors A good time to pay respect to your ancestors is at Samhain. While the veil between the world is at it’s thinnest you will want to gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond. Place the black cloth on your altar or on the floor. Position the feather in the east, the candle in the south, the bowl of water in the west, and the crystal in the north. Arrange the photos and other objects in…

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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    The Happiness Project This has been a very bad year for most of us, of all Races, religions, Faiths and Beliefs. Depression sets in quickly and easily, with reports from our friends and family, telling us if bad happening in their lives. It has been very hard to find light in the darkness. Even at my job someone posted a sign that read. “Due to the poor economy the light at the end of the tunnel has been shut off”. This is a time when we struggle daily to find balance. When we find it hard to get a moments peace. BUT this is the time when we NEED Joy,…

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    HearthBeats: Recipes from a Kitchen Witch

    Merry meet and Welcome to my Kitchen. Come on in and grab a cuppa and see what we can share. This month I am focusing on a different way to use the Bounty of our Mother Earth. The year round bounty that is accessible like it never was in years gone by. And once frozen or dried you may be able to use this beauty and flavor year round. We do not always think about the flowers of our plants. We focus on the leaves and roots, but forget that the blooms are often as flavorful as the rest of the plant. And many are gorgeous. So this month I…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Smudging Smudging is the burning of certain herbs to create a cleansing smoke, which is used to purify people, ceremonial and ritual space, and ceremonial tools and objects. There are different ceremonies and rituals that can be done. The burning of herbs or incense is a practice held sacred by many indigenous cultures. It is a ritual for cleansing, purifying and protecting the physical and spiritual bodies. The effect of the smoke is to banish negative energies. Many differing cultures and peoples have their own methods and herbal mixtures for this purpose. Smudging, done correctly, can bring physical, spiritual and emotional balance. The term Smudging originated in the Native American…

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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    Children in our Magickal Lives Many of us, Pagan, Wiccan and Witch have children. Again many of us hide what we believe from our children, whether to protect them, avoid drama, difficult spouses or whatever. But there are those of us that have been teaching our children since they were babies and for us it can be very hard to include our children in anything outside of our homes. The Pagan Community at large is often negative about children in group rituals.  Now after asking I have found out that this is not because they do not want children in the circle, but that they do not want the rude,…

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    HearthBeats: Notes from a Kitchen Witch

    Dragons in your home. Merry meet and welcome. Sorry I have been away for quite a while. I have had an injury that stopped me from typing. But I am back and will do my best to get back on the ball. So here we go. Dragons… in your home????  In your Kitchen??? Seriously??? Well Yes. Dragons are wondrous creatures, and kind of picky about whom they contact and connect with.. But they are very protective, orderly and know where every thing is that they are responsible for. And befriending on and welcoming them into your home can be beneficial to both of you. You have a Dragon there to…

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    Wiccan Basics

    Grounding To Ground Energy After a Magic Work To ground energy after a spell or a particularly potent magical circle, use simple symbolism. Sit on the ground, placing your hands in direct contact with the earth. Let the excess energy pour out of you .Continue relaxing until you feel the buzz in the air passing and your senses returning to normal. It also helps to eat some simple foods like raw vegetables. This spell also works for people who feel the need to keep their feet on the ground. If an outdoor location is not available, go to an area close to the earth, like a cellar or sun porch.…