

The Book of Creative Mind

This pathworking was written as the conclusion to a workshop I taught entitled “Crafting Effective Pathworkings”. The intent was to offer sample of the various components that may be used in a pathworking and to plant the seeds of creative idea for the participant’s own use in writing.


Begin by taking in the scents and sounds of this room and this space. Now gently close your eyes and turn your focus and attention to your breath. Allow your consciousness to move with the rise and fall of your chest and the filling and release of your lungs. Continue in this manner for several breaths; allowing each to become softer, smoother and slower. With each breath your physical body appears to lighten and your center of consciousness floats upwards towards the inner eye. You see on your inner screen a small point of bluish purple light and with each breath this point begins to expand. As it continues to expand you feel yourself enveloped by this mist of transition between the Physical and the Astral realms. These tiny particles of vibrant energy swirl around you, enveloping you now in what has become a swirling of intermingled indigo and violet veiling that almost ribbon like in its form. You stand in this outpour and allow its energy to vitalize and renew you. You feel safe and eager to begin your journey.

As this veil begins to thin you see that just before you is an ornately carved wooden door. The wood smells of earth and tree and vine. There are markings on the door and symbols whose meanings you are unsure of, but you make mental note of their beauty and intricacy and visually store them away to be researched at another time. You reach out and push against the door, the feel of the wood rough against your fingertips and find that it opens with little effort.

The door opens widely and you are looking into a softly lit room that is colored in earth tones and hues of greens, dusky oranges, amber yellows and coffee colored browns. As you cross the threshold of the doorway, the scent of sandalwood wafts through the air and brings to mind images of far away and exotic places. The floor beneath you is made of a richly stained wood and seems to give ever so slightly as you step forward. There is no hesitation or concern in the seeming flexibility of the floor beneath; simply surprise that you could feel so supported yet buoyant at the same time. It brings to mind images of gently being carried and supported by water. The sound of the door softly closing behind you seems to issue welcome at your entering this space and you feel a sense of familiarity with its energy.

Your eyes scan the square enclosure of this small and comfortable space and you see that there are not many furnishings beyond the necessity of a place to sit and a desk upon which to write. Your gaze comes to rest on a corner of the room that seems to glow a bit more brightly than the rest and you see now that there is a fire burning in a stone fireplace. The opening of the fireplace is oddly shaped and almost resembles a triangle in how it peaks at the uppermost center point. The flames rise and peak and then withdraw teasingly between log and stick. They seem to beckon you to step forward for a closer look. As you move closer, the smell of the sandalwood now mingles with that of the burning wood. It is a rich and heady scent and you feel a wave of anticipation pass over you. You feel the heat of the flame and are warmed to your very core.

In rhythm with the movement of the flames, all your senses come to a place of alertness and awareness. Each becoming heightened and then returning to normal state once again. You remember this same feeling as that which you experienced as a child; eager and excited about the promise of a grand adventure or trip to your favorite place. You turn your focus from the fire, and from this place of view standing beside the fireplace you see that the room has taken on a soft orange tint that seems to enhance the earth tones you originally noted. This warm glow merges and blends with the greens and yellows of the walls and curtains and all comes together harmoniously. The addition of this change in light draws your attention to the wall directly opposite you, and you take note of a beautiful wooden desk and simple wooden chair that are placed against its edges.

The top of the desk is lit by a single white candle, whose light is so brilliant and luminescent that light seems to spill like flowing silvery liquid over the surface. You can see the silhouette and shape of something on top of the desk, and curious as to what this object might be you walk over for a closer look. Placed centrally on the desk top is a crimson covered book. Its texture is smooth and silky giving it a glowing radiance. Looking down you see that your name is beautifully written on the cover in gold ink. You are surprised and pleased by this. It is as though someone lovingly left this gift for you and had anticipated your arrival in this space. You look out at the room and now see that there are many items in this room that are in accord with your likes and sense of style. You had not noticed any of this before and decide that the brilliance of the light has given a new level of clarity to what lays before and around you. This space is clearly meant for you and this thought brings anticipation of returning regularly.

Excited by this prospect you turn your attention once again to your book. It is thick and large, more like a scrapbook than journal. You easily pick it up and turn it over in your hands to look at it from all sides. Gold edging shimmers out between silky red cover and you are curious as to what may be inside. Replacing it on the desk you reach out to open it and see a pen resting near its edge. The pen is blue, the color of a robin’s egg and is feather light in your hand as you pick it up to take a closer look. You feel a surge of creative energy pour through you and ideas for what you would like to write or draw within this book move as a slideshow on your inner screen. You have never felt so empowered and eager to create; to produce and to give life to what you are envisioning.

You sit down in the chair and again the experience of being suspended gently and securely held as if in water, floods your senses. As this thought quickly fades the parade of images that have been moving through your mind pauses on one singular picture. As you turn your awareness to this picture, for a moment the image you had just so clearly seen fades and you are disappointed, thinking that you will have to create it again. Just as quickly as the image had faded in clarity you realize that this seeming loss was simply a transformation of the image into a holographic picture. It is now 3 dimensional and you can easily see each of its sides simultaneously.

Intrigued by this, you allow the image to continue to build in its form and clarity. Not wanting to miss any of the detail, you pick up the pen, prepared to draw and record what you are seeing. The pen barely touches the surface of the page before the entirety of the image, its use, function and specifications appear on the page as though willed into creation. For a moment you are startled by this development, but then realize that this is the true process of manifestation in this realm. That Mind and Will combined with intuitive desire can give life to what they wish to create. The pen is simply an extension of your energy and desire and is serving as conduit and form-giver for the outpour of creative effort.

You turn to the next blank page to test this process out, selecting another image from what now appears to be a vast storehouse of accumulated image and idea contained within your consciousness. You make mental note that again, this newly selected image seems to pass through a moment of uncertainty and darkness before its energy is clearly seen, used, and released onto the page. Feeling energized and primed you continue this exercise of calling forth several more images and have soon filled several pages of your book. You decide that for now, this book will serve as keeper and record of these images and can be used to sort and filter those which need more work, those which are non-productive and those which may be ready to be brought forward into manifest reality.

Beginning to tire from this excitement and creative outpour, you stand and pick up the journal to find a more suitable and safe place of keeping. You are unprepared for the density of its weight and can barely lift it from its surface. You recall how easily you picked it up earlier, and realize the lesson of this experience. With creation there is great responsibility. At times, this responsibility may be weightier than you can bear; but that is the way of all things of worth and value. There is much that wishes to be created and some is viable and other is that which would fill time and space with unusable matter. Balance must be striven for and in this balance there will be much useless weight that is accumulated. The task and the charge of manifestation is not driven by the will of man and his desire to create just for the power contained within the act, but by the larger will of the Divine Human working as co-creator with Divinity.

In future, you will be more mindful and selective in nurturing what you wish to create. Your book will stay on the surface of the desk awaiting your return and as you add to its pages, you will also become more adept at refining its contents. And, in time you will learn to balance the weight of what is received and what is given in your interactions with the creative mind.

You look around at the room and see that once again it has taken on new clarity. The fire is burning brightly, vibrant in its orange and golden yellow glow. The browns and greens are vibrant and rich in their depth of color. There is great strength in this place and much to learn. This is your space of creative outpour and you, this room and the book are now part of this process. But, for now, it is time to return to your daily activities and creative efforts. Take a moment to give thanks to this space and all that was given and received.

You walk to the door, take one last look around and gently push the door open. You turn as it closes and see that some of the markings and symbols on the door have changed. This also is part of the process of creating something. Some essence of what the original was will always be carried through as it serves as the foundation upon which new growth may occur. As the last of these thoughts pass through your mind, you find yourself once again enveloped in swirling of the indigo and violet veil of energy. The sensation is one of calm and you feel renewed and refreshed, no longer tired from your exertion of creative effort. Your focus shifts to the rhythm of your breath and with each exhale the density of the blue veil thins and contracts once again to a tiny blue pearl of light. With each continued breath, you feel the density of your physical body move to the center of your awareness. Awareness of the sounds of this room; the physicality of your body in these seats and the sound of my voice.

And, when you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to this space, this time and be fully present.

Excerpted from: The Magickal Pen-Volume One

Available at: www.robinfennelly.com