


Spirit & Life by American artist Tom Fleming




Welcome to the July Issue of PaganPages.  What do we have in-store for you this month???  Many of our great articles and reviews, such as…



A Book Review of the Tarot by Design Workbook:  Color and Learn Your Way into the Cards by Diane Heyne.



The Bad Witch’s Guide discusses love spells this month and even offers up one!




Jennifer Engrácio shares an amazing  excerpt from her book The Magic Circle: Shamanic Ceremonies for the Child and the Child Within on the importance of Children and Ceremony with our Readers.  




We have a wonderful Review of Icelandic MAGIC: Practical Secrets of the Northern Grimoires by Stephen E. Flowers, PH.D. 




You can learn all about Kupala, the Slavic Goddess of mid-summer, in She Who is All.  



Have an interest in herbs?  Whether a novice or skilled herbalist Herbs – Plain & Simple Over 100 Recipes for Health and Healing by Marlene Houghton is a great little book for you.



The herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Grimoire of Philtres, Elixirs, Oils, Incense, and Formulas for Ritual Use by Karen Harrison is quoted to be “…everything it claims on the cover – and that’s a lot for one book to deliver,’  in it’s review this month by our Lynn Woike.


We welcome our newest book reviewer Dawn Borries this month with her first review for Rituals of the Light Within a Compendium of Writings from the Magical Work of Elizabeth Anderton Fox.



So please, sit back, relax, and have a great read!





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