Book Review: Keys to Perception-A Practical Guide to Psychic Development by Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Book Review: Keys to Perception-A Practical Guide to Psychic Development
by Ivo Dominguez, Jr.
Let me begin by saying that we are in fortunate times having access to a prolific amount of information, books, media and more readily available to all level of seekers and experience. And, just as is true with any proliferation, being able to easily understand the concepts, make practical application of material that has been proven to work, narrows that field of viability to a penultimate selection of authors who are able to weave their magick. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. is among those authors who have consistently offered quality content and practices that expand the vision of the reader.
This is Mr. Dominguez’s fifth book, and with the number five (5) there is bound to be material that will revamp what you believe you are capable of. The book jumps right into familiar practices in Chapter One and immediately puts the reader at ease and the chance for building confidence around skills already known. All of these, from Meditation, Four-fold breath and Focused Practice lay the groundwork for … “Opening the Inner Senses”.
Each chapter builds on the next, pulling into the reader’s experience concepts that span a diverse and eclectic library of integrated skills that offer opportunity for self-exploration as you are creating a fertile environment for deepening your perceptive and intuitive nature. A point of note is the inclusion of safety precautions and bolstering your spiritual immunity as you progress further into the work. The book concludes with a Ritual of the Chakras and a complete set of seven pathworkings aligned with each of the Chakras. Every chapter and exercise prior having brought you to this place of turning the key and opening to your own gifts.
Keys to Perception is a text that you will return to repeatedly, as are all of Mr. Dominguez’s books. And, as the saying goes “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. Nothing can fully replace one-on-one learning, but this book comes very close.
About the Author:
Robin Fennelly is a Wiccan High Priestess, teacher, poet and author. She is the author of:
The Inner Chamber, Vol. One
It’s Written in the Stars
The Inner Chamber, Vol. Two
poetry of the spheres
The Inner Chamber, Vol. Three
Awakening the Paths
A Year With Gaia
The Eternal Cord
Temple of the Sun and Moon
Luminous Devotions
The Magickal Pen, Volume One
A Collection of Esoteric Writings
The Elemental Year
Aligning the Parts of SELF
The Enchanted Gate
Musings on the Magick of the Natural World
Sleeping with the Goddess
Nights of Devotion
A Weekly Reflection
Musings for the Year
Her books are available on Amazon or website and her Blogs can be found at: Robin Fennelly
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