______________________________________________________________________________ Cover art: The God & Goddess By: Sondra Hefner of NautyCrow Studio I don’t always know where a painting will end up when I start. I wanted this one to express the balance I try to maintain in my life and hopefully also express some love. ______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the October/Samhain Issue of PaganPagesOrg. This month we are fit to Burst with great Information, Spells, Book Reviews, and So Much More! Including all the information you could possibly need for Samhain. Here is a peek at what’s inside: Samhain, for many on a Pagan path, is “the biggy”, the festival of…
Tarot Talk
Death (The Death Card is from the artist Ciro Marchetti http://www.ciromarchetti.com/)** This month, since we are heading toward Samhain and Halloween, we will return to the Major Arcana, and talk about Death. The Tarot Major Arcana card Death, that is. Once we take a closer look at this card, you will come to understand that the Death card rarely foretells death of the physical body, and it really is something to be celebrated, not feared. Before we begin, let’s remind ourselves of some terms. If you know them, go ahead and skip down to where we talk about the traditional image of the card. There are 22 Major Arcana cards in a…
Samhain – Divination & Superstition
Without question, my favourite Sabbat of all, is Samhain, a time where the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. The celts celebrated this as New Year, it’s also the last of the harvest festivals before winter sets in. One of the things I love the most is reading up on the folklore around this Sabbat, and we all know how thick with stories it is, but I love it, I love to think of people setting a place at their dinner table for their dead ancestors and people putting candles in their window to guide the souls on Samhain night. I do think it has become…
Book Review: Minerva’s Owls by Mary Petiet
“All of the Darkness, while we are created by Light. “Minerva’s Owls” tells the story of where we came from and how we got to where we are now; of how we came from the Goddess, the world-wide worship of the Mother and matriarchal, women-affirming societies to a war-like God and technology driven societies. It tells the story of how the balance of the world, and our own individual balance was disrupted, while the Feminine was buried within, and by the Masculine. It is why the balance is disrupted still. Using her personal experience with yoga and what it has taught her, along with individual chapters on each chakra, Ms.…
Book Excerpt from A Modern Celt: Day of the Dead by Mabh Savage
Day of the Dead Samhain, for many on a Pagan path, is “the biggy”, the festival of all festivals, and much of this is to do with the day’s association with the dead and thus ghosts, spirits and other things otherworldly. It’s generally celebrated on October 31st although in Gaelic the word actually means “November” so the festival being named thus would seem to indicate that is to be celebrated at the start of November. This is probably because the Celts believed a new day started at sunset, so when fires were lit on the 31st October as the sun went down, it was already Samhain, the next day,…
Children’s Book Review : Who is a Witch by Rowan Moss
Who is a Witch is beautifully written by Rowan Moss. The illustrations are also beautifully done by T.S. Lamb. This is the first book in the Pagan Children Learning Series. This book covers the topic of who is a witch and what witches do. The book explains everything in easy to understand language. For words that may be harder to understand, the writer included a glossary at the back of the book. Who is a witch explains that almost anyone can be a witch, and that you cannot tell just from looking at someone. It shows that witches come in all shapes, forms, colors, and backgrounds. It…
(samhain) the leaves fly as i drive home blowing formica gold seventies orange & a washed-out green just a few bright reds this drought has made for a dull autumn still the sun reflects the jewelry in leaves yet clinging to trees the leaves fly after a frost so long in coming oh demeter i will miss you as you search for your daughter oh hecate i do revel in your golden splendor oh artemis i long to join you in this season’s hunt the leaves fly as i drive home the sun sets in a mass of growing clouds red & gold & purple & midnight…
Finding Your Spot
Indoors or out of doors, the witch must find her spot. This is the place where she feels grounded and centered, and for her it is therefore the center, either of her dwelling or of the world. If you have an easy chair set up somewhere in your living room, this may be your spot, provided it is not placed against a wall. Mark your spot with a piece of tape or something similar if you must, though it is enough to note how you feel there and let that be your marker. Now, standing on your spot, use your magnetic compass 1 to face the four directions. Gaze into…
Getting Acquainted With the Dark
(art by Sarah Mcmenomy*) It is October and Samhain is drawing near. Who among us who observes the Wheel of the Year doesn’t get excited about this most sacred of witchy days? At Mabon we entered the dark half of the year, a time for reflection and looking within. Not only is the world around us darkening, it is time for us to face our own inner darkness. Darkness. It’s a word we throw around a lot, but what does it mean for us as we move deeper into fall and toward winter? We hear that “dark” doesn’t necessarily mean “bad,” but then, why is darkness sometimes associated…
A Special Pathworking for Samhain Hecate’s Labyrinth This time of the year is one of connection. The veils between the worlds have thinned and many will reach out to the Goddess Hecate as they seek the deeper wisdom of her triune form. Some will call to the Goddess to guide them to the land of the ancestors as they seek the gifts of those beloved who have passed on. Others will call to the Goddess seeking greater knowledge of their own strength and the power held in the trinity in the human form. And, some will use the energy of Hecate to transform and renew what will be carried into…