Book Review – Red Tents: Unravelling Our Past and Weaving a Shared Future by Maryann Clements and Aisha Hannibal
Book Review Red Tents Unravelling Our Past and Weaving a Shared Future by Maryann Clements and Aisha Hannibal Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 298 Pages Publication Date: March 23, 2021 What is a Red Tent? Red Tents are spaces intentionally co-created for women to share, connect and authentically be. They are spaces for women to share their stories, rest and gain strength from being together and supporting one another. As someone who has led and priestessed Red Tents, I have always still been stymied and tongue-tied when trying to describe exactly what a Red Tent is. I’ve had so many people look at me as if I were explaining…
Book Review – The Way of the Seabhean: An Irish Shamanic Path by Amantha Murphy with Orla O’Connell
Book Review The Way of the Seabhean An Irish Shamanic Path by Amantha Murphy with Orla O’Connell Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 240 Pages Publication Date: January 28, 2021 I was so very excited to get this book into my hands. As a daughter of the Goddess and a woman of Portuguese/Azorean descent, which is the home of my heart, I have always been pulled by Celtic/Welsh spirituality, which is the home of my spirit. I have always had an interest in England and Scotland, but for some unknown reason, have never felt that pull to Ireland. It is my hope that this book is the beginning of unlocking that…
Book Review – Yoga for Witches by Sarah Robinson
Book Review Yoga for Witches by Sarah Robinson Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 230 Pages Publication Date: February 14, 2020 “FIND YOUR MAGIC ON THE MAT” As a fan of Womancraft Publishing, I will say that this is a lovely addition to their ever-growing list of books. Ms. Robinson starts us off with a brief history of both witchcraft and yoga, and how each of them connects us to our universe. She explains how and why we should combine them. Each chapter, is separated into a section for witches, and one for yogis/yoginis. Specific Goddesses are listed at the end of each section, along with ritual, meditations, and…
She Who is All – The Goddess & The Divine Female
Nemesis (Image Credit: mythologyexplained.com) Nemesis. The name sounds as if She were an enemy; She most certainly is not. She is the Greek Goddess of Divine Retribution. She is sometimes known as the Goddess of Rhamnous, the city where Her temple was. She was worshipped as Invidia in Rome. The Temple at Rhamnous (Image Credit: alamy.com) Her family origins are confusing, as they tend to be. Some claim that her parents were Zeus and Nyx, Goddess of Magic; some sources state that her only parent was Nyx. Other sources name Oceana, the world ocean, as her mother. She is also named as sister to the…
Book Review – Pagan Portals: Blodeuwedd-Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty by Jhenah Telyndru, Cover Art by Dan GoodFellow
Book Review Pagan Portals: Blodeuwedd Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty by Jhenah Telyndru Cover Art by Dan GoodFellow Publisher: Moon Books 136 Pages Publication Date: August 1, 2021 Do you know Blodeuwedd? If you do, you may, as most do, think she is a cheater at best, and an attempted murderess, at worst. If you do not know her, this is the perfect introduction. This book, by the wonderful Jhenah Telyndru, is part of the Pagan Portals series by Moon Books, and is a perfect addition to this series. I was particularly intrigued by how Ms. Telyndru’s narrative has been influenced by the rights of women – then…
She Who Is All – The Goddess & The Divine Female
Sphinx (Image Credit & Following Quote: The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky) “If I ask the question that provokes will you stretch to find the answer Will you take up the gauntlet flung boldly and defiantly answer the call Will you meet my challenge with tingling in your blood with your hair blowing electric in the wind with all your being knowing that every challenge is an opportunity every challenge presents a gift every challenge is there to serve you or not It’s your choice” The Sphinx may have started out as male, and is still perceived as such today, in Egypt, built as the Guardian of…
Book Reviews – Sisters of the Solstice Moon & Walking the Threads of Time (When She Wakes Series) by Gina Martin
Book Review Sisters of the Solstice Moon (Book 1) by Gina Martin Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 279 Pages Publication Date: June 26, 2019 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a non-patriarchal world, a world without violence, rape, misogyny and bigotry in all its’ forms? Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live in a world filled with Goddess Mystery Schools, Goddess Temples, Priestesses serving the Goddess in peace and harmony? This book is filled with the joy that is inherent in Goddess worship. The rituals are beautifully written; the power can be felt in the author’s words. I found myself breathless…
Book Review – Full Circle Health: Integrated Health Charting for Women by Lucy H. Pearce
Book Review Full Circle Health Integrated Health Charting for Women by Lucy H. Pearce Publisher: Womancraft Publishing 169 Pages Publication Date: 5/18/2017 I will preface this review by saying that I am a fan of Lucy H. Pearce and Womancraft Publishing. This book is more of a workbook than a “reading” book. As women, we have much to deal with that affects, not only our bodies, but our minds and spirits, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. We live in a world that diminishes us. We take care of everyone before we even think of ourselves, if we do, indeed, ever do take care of ourselves. We do not make…
She Who is All – The Goddess & The Divine Female
Yeshe Tsogyal (Image: Wikipedia) Yeshe Tsogyal was born a princess of Tibet in the year 777 C.E. She was born in the same way as the Buddha; a mantra sounded and her mother bore her painlessly. Her clan name was Lady Kharchen but she is known as Yeshe Tsogyal, which means Wisdom Lake Queen, as when she was born, a nearby lake increased in size. They are the waters of enlightenment. She is also called “Mother of the Victorious Ones”, meaning the Buddhas, as well as “Lady of the Lotus-Born”. She is considered the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the ultimate wisdom needed for enlightenment. (Image:…
Woman Soul; Woman Spirit
(Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash) There is a book that I carry with my in my bag wherever I go. It’s called “Mother Wit, A Feminist Guide to Psychic Development (subtitle: Exercises for Healing, Growth and Spiritual Awareness). It was written by Diane Mariechild in the early 1980’s. I am not exactly sure why I carry it as I have read it a couple of times. It does seem to be easy to pick up and read while waiting — in a doctor’s office, in a parking lot, etc. I’ve done most of the exercises within the book, some of which were familiar to me from two decades of…